Couple Wakes Up And Finds an Unknown Dog Cuddled in Their Bed

Couple Wakes Up And Finds an Unknown Dog Cuddled in Their Bed

Julie Thornton Johnson and her husband, Jimmy, are used to sharing their bed with their three dogs, who love to cuddle at night. So, when they noticed a dog nestled next to them on a pillow, they thought nothing of it.

However, when they woke up in the morning, they realized they didn’t recognize the dog snuggled up beside them.

Instead of panicking, they found the situation amusing and wondered how the dog had managed to sneak inside without disturbing their other dogs.

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When Jimmy woke up, he asked Julie who the dog in the bed was. It became clear to them that this pup was a stranger, yet she had made herself at home. The dog seemed friendly, so they decided to let her stay.

Julie snapped some photos of the unexpected guest and posted them online, hoping to get some answers. Meanwhile, she had a lot of questions running through her mind.

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“How did the dog get in my house? And we have three dogs who bark at anything—a squirrel in the yard, a rabbit, a bird—they bark. But there was no noise,” Julie wondered.

The couple soon realized that they must have accidentally left the back door open. However, it remained a mystery how the dog wandered into their home and snuck into their bed without causing a stir.

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Julie’s humorous post about the mystery dog quickly went viral. Cris Hawkins, who lived a few houses down, saw the post and recognized the dog as her own, named Nala. Hawkins believed that Nala had slipped out of her collar during the night and made her way to Julie’s home seeking attention.

Image Source: YouTube

Before handing Nala back, Julie asked Hawkins for proof of ownership. Hawkins sent plenty of pictures, including Christmas photos of Nala. Even as Nala’s family arrived to pick her up, Jimmy was still cuddling with her.

Though Nala was reluctant to leave her cozy spot, she was happy to be reunited with her humans. Julie and Jimmy joked that if no one had claimed her, they would have been happy to welcome another dog into their home.

Julie and Jimmy have since become friends with Nala’s family, and the amusing incident has become a viral sensation. Everyone involved found the situation hilarious, and it’s a story that none of them will ever forget.



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