‘Trembling’ Pit Bull Hides in Shelter Corner Until a Voice Draws Him Out

‘Trembling’ Pit Bull Hides in Shelter Corner Until a Voice Draws Him Out

Dog shelters are not ideal environments for dogs to stay in for long periods. While it’s good that these dogs have a place to stay and food to eat, the experience can be overwhelming.

Shelters are often loud and chaotic, with constant barking, and the kennels are typically bare. For a dog used to living in a home, a shelter can be a frightening place.

Carson, a sweet Pit Bull, was left at a shelter after his family decided they could no longer care for him. Although he had some allergies that caused skin issues, he was a wonderful dog.

In the shelter, Carson was visibly distressed. He lay down, trembling, while those around him felt their hearts break.

Image Source: TheDodo via YouTube Video

Lauren, a volunteer with the Philly Bully Team, heard about Carson and decided to take him out of the shelter and bring him home. She understood that a dog like Carson needed to feel secure to thrive.

From the moment Carson met Lauren, he was grateful. Wherever Lauren went, Carson followed. They were a perfect match. Lauren realized that Carson required constant attention and ensured he got it.

Image Source: TheDodo via YouTube Video

Lauren also felt they were meant to be together and informed the rescue group that she wanted to adopt him permanently. They agreed. Carson was so happy to be with Lauren that he wouldn’t let her out of his sight.

While it’s adorable, it can be a bit challenging when she needs to get things done, like working from home, with a 60-pound dog on her lap. However, Lauren takes it all in stride!

Image Source: TheDodo via YouTube Video

Snuggling is Carson’s favorite activity. He also enjoys going for walks and finding the best sticks, often carrying one in his mouth as he walks. According to Lauren, “his entire body wags.” It’s heartwarming to see Carson go from being a shaking, frightened dog to a happy one.

After his walks, Carson jumps on the sofa, wagging his tail with joy. The sound of his tail happily hitting the ground is all you can hear.

Image Source: TheDodo via YouTube Video

In the video below, Lauren says:
“His mission in life is to curl up on the couch with me.” It seems Carson has his priorities figured out!



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