Pregnant Dog Abandoned on the Street Just Days Before Giving Birth

Pregnant Dog Abandoned on the Street Just Days Before Giving Birth

Though it shouldn’t be this way, humans often prove to be the worst enemies of dogs through acts of cruelty. Abandonment, neglect, and abuse are just a few examples, but human heartlessness truly knows no bounds.

One owner demonstrated this cruelty by throwing his dog onto the street when she needed him most. The dog, named Cherry, was heavily pregnant and due to give birth in just a few days.

Unwilling to care for her and her future puppies, the man abandoned her. Cherry was left to fend for herself, begging for food just to survive.

Sad and exhausted, Cherry began to lose hope that she would experience the joy of motherhood in a warm home. But then, a kind soul appeared, like a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel.

Image Source:  Rescue Dog Rangers

As soon as a big-hearted woman saw Cherry, she noticed tears in her eyes and that her belly was nearly touching the ground. Though heartbroken, she didn’t have time to despair.

She quickly took action, gently luring the dog into her car, and they headed straight for the vet. While driving, the woman could see from Cherry’s behavior that she had suffered greatly at the hands of people and that it would take time for those emotional wounds to heal.

At the veterinary clinic, the doctor performed tests and an ultrasound on Cherry. They soon discovered eight healthy puppies in her belly, bringing tears of joy to her rescuer’s eyes.

Image Source:  Rescue Dog Rangers

Everything was set for the happiest moment of Cherry’s life as they prepared a cozy bed with warm blankets for her to welcome her puppies into the world.

Image Source:  Rescue Dog Rangers

Late that evening, eight new lives came into the world. This brought a smile to Cherry’s face, but she still distrusted people and wouldn’t let anyone get close.

She didn’t allow her rescuer near her either, even biting her hand out of fear that she would harm her or her puppies. Cherry was extremely stressed and refused to eat.

Image Source:  Rescue Dog Rangers

However, things slowly began to change once her rescuer brought her and her puppies home. The little ones had everything they needed, and Cherry received lots of love.

Image Source:  Rescue Dog Rangers

Although regaining trust in people was challenging, a month after arriving at her new home and as the puppies grew, the wounds on Cherry’s soul finally healed.

This marked a turning point in Cherry’s life and indicated that better days were ahead. Her rescuer cherished every moment with this canine family, knowing parting was near.

She often thought about what would have happened to Cherry and her puppies if she hadn’t found them and given them a second chance. Thankfully, she did, allowing them to start new, happy lives in loving families.

It was truly the happiest ending, as all the puppies soon found their forever homes. This story demonstrates how one good deed can significantly contribute to a greater cause.

Saving a life is the greatest act of all.


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