Cute Dog Pretends To Limp, But Dad Hilariously Exposes His Act

Cute Dog Pretends To Limp, But Dad Hilariously Exposes His Act

Remember those times when you’d pretend to be sick to avoid school or a boring family event? Or maybe you faked an injury to get out of a game?

We’ve all done it, feeling a bit out of sorts or just lacking confidence.

But did you know our furry friends can be just as sneaky?

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Take Harry, for instance, a dog with a flair for the dramatic.

When his owner starts searching for him, Harry puts on an impressive show.

He limps, holding up his front right paw, as if to say, “Oh no, I can’t possibly go for a walk with this terrible paw injury.”

Image Source: Youtube

But Harry isn’t just any dog—he’s a clever one. He heads over to the couch, grabs his leash with his mouth, and like magic, he’s suddenly walking perfectly fine on all fours.

It seems the mere mention of a walk has miraculous healing powers!

It’s quite remarkable. Dogs like Harry have been known to fake injuries, often picking up on cues from their human companions.

Image Source: Youtube

Imagine the possibilities—if just hearing about a walk can cure Harry, what could a treat do?

Here’s a typical scenario: Your dog might have genuinely hurt their paw once during a walk, maybe by stepping on a sharp rock.

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You rush over, showering them with love and attention. But here’s the twist—dogs learn from this. They quickly realize that a little limp can bring a lot of extra care and pampering.

People have shared their own experiences with their theatrical pups.

One person, Obey Ariana, recalled how their dog fooled them for three days, pretending to be injured until the word “vet” was mentioned, prompting an instant recovery.

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Bernard Keenan shared a story about his dog Bridgette, who would limp for sympathy whenever she was in trouble, using an old injury as her excuse.

Another commenter added, “My husky used to ‘limp’ when we walked in a direction he didn’t want to go. And once we turned the other way, he would start trotting. 😆 He was such a snot.”

So, do you have a similar story to share?

Harry’s miraculous recovery could give the Sorting Hat from Harry Potter a run for its money!

Image Source: Youtube

Harry isn’t just a one-trick pony; he knows exactly where his collar and leash are and fetches them on command. With his adorable face and hilarious antics, he’s impossible to resist.

He’s not just funny; he’s a very good boy.

Harry’s performance not only earned him some treats but also brought smiles to his owner and millions of viewers online.

With over 13 million views, this miracle dog has spread joy far and wide.


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