A Collective Kaleidoscope Of Multi-faceted Color Shimmers From Green To Yellow, From Blue To Red In An Endless Array Of Splendor!

A collective kaleidoscope of colour, look for the male’s brown face, reddish throat, and a crown and back that shimmer with shades of blue-green.

Meet the Brown-throated Sunbird:

“0A2A7371 Brown-throated Sunbird” by JJ Harrison is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. (cropped)

The brown-throated sunbird (Anthreptes malacensis), also known as the plain-throated sunbird, belongs to the Nectariniidae family. Measuring around 14 cm in length and weighing between 7.4 to 13.5 g, with males typically slightly larger than females, the brown-throated sunbird is characterized by its relatively large size and stout bill. In typical sunbird fashion, males exhibit more vibrant colors compared to females. The male features iridescent green and purple upperparts with chestnut highlights on the wing-coverts and scapulars, while its underside is primarily yellow.

“Brown-throated Sunbird” by Mike Prince is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

In contrast, the female displays an olive-green upper body and a yellowish lower body.

Notably, the grey-throated sunbird in the remaining parts of the Philippines, while often considered a subspecies of the brown-throated sunbird, consistently differs from it in terms of measurements and plumage, with no evidence of intergradation between the two.

“Male Brown-Throated Sunbird” by Michael Khor is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

It inhabits various semi-open habitats across Southeast Asia, spanning from Myanmar to the Lesser Sundas and the western Philippines.

brown-throated sunbird” by anukma is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

These birds are found close to sea level in rainforest, mangroves, gardens and parks.

“brown-throated sunbird” by Samuel Lee is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

The brown-throated sunbird primarily sustains itself by feeding on nectar, although it also consumes small fruits and berries, while juveniles are primarily nourished with insects.

“brown-throated sunbird” by anukma is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Brown-throated sunbirds are monogamous during each breeding season. Males utilize their vibrant plumage to establish territories and attract mates. Females take on the responsibility of constructing dome-shaped nests using dry plant materials held together by spider webs. These nests are typically situated in low bushes, approximately one to two meters from the ground. The female then incubates one to three eggs, while the male assumes the role of guarding the territory, including the nearby sources of nectar. Both parents contribute to nourishing the young birds, providing them with a diet consisting of insects and nectar.

“Male Brown-Throated Sunbird” by Michael Khor is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

This bird is regarded as of least concern on the IUCN red list.

Photo courtesy of HowardB/CC BY-SA 3.0

Listen to this bird’s lilting song next:

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