Superb By Name, Due To A Lack Of The Opposite Sex, This Is A Bird Who Has To Look Superb To The Female Eye!

Due to the extremely low population of females, the males of this species are superb by name and do their best to look superb to the female eye!


The greater lophorina, superb-bird-of-paradise, or greater superb bird-of-paradise (Lophorina superba) is a species of the Paradisaeidae family. Measuring 26cm long this species is one of the most common on their island home. The male is mostly black, with an eye-burning iridescent green crown, blue-green breast shield, and long velvety black erectile cape covering his back.

The female is a reddish-brown shade with brownish barred buff on her belly.

The juvenile members of this species look like the female.

The Superb bird of paradise is widely distributed throughout Papua New Guinea, being one of the nation’s most common and widespread species of bird of paradise.

This species inhabits rainforest and forest edges in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. They can also be found in mountainous habitats.

Superb birds of paradise eat fruit, insects, and also animals such as frogs, reptiles, and other small birds.

Due to the low population of females, competition amongst the males for a mate is extremely fierce, leading to one of the most bizarre and elaborate courtship displays birds have ever devised. After preparing a dance floor the male will call to females to come to take a look, he then springs forward his folded cape and green breast shield into a spectacular ellipse-shaped creature, while hopping in frantic circles. Meanwhile, she may snub up to 15-20 suiters before selecting a mate.

Although heavily hunted for its plumes, the Superb Bird of Paradise is one of the most common and widespread birds of paradise in New Guinea forests.


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