Recently Discovered Waterfall in Peru Looks Like a Bride Dressed in a Wedding Gown and Veil

Just a couple of years ago, nobody knew about this breathtaking waterfall that looks like a bride in a wedding dress with a full skirt, glancing over her shoulder, with the veil elegantly spread out over her upper body.

Image credit: Turismo al Peru

Recently, the mesmerizing Waterfall of the Bride (La Cascada de la Novia) in Cajamarca, Peru, has gone viral, garnering over 1.6 million views on Twitter. As a result, it has now become the latest tourist attraction and a precious gem for the Celendín and Cajamarca regions.

The waterfall derives its name from its unique shape, which resembles that of a bride wearing a wedding dress and veil. The 165-foot (50-meter) tall natural wonder descends down the cliffside in a manner that enchantingly conjures up the image of a human figure standing tall against the dark rock.

Image credit: El Alto Digital/YouTube

Despite its impressive beauty, the waterfall long awaited hidden near the village of Vigaspampa in the province of Celendín, Cajamarca region, according to Turismo al Peru.

It was not until 2017 that a video by human rights professor Gustavo Vela published on Twitter made this nature-made illusion famous and internationally known.

In addition to its natural beauty, La Cascada de la Novia is also steeped in local legends and traditions. According to one legend, the waterfall was formed when a young couple fell in love, but their families were against their union. In an act of defiance, the couple decided to run away, but during their escape they both died in a ravine on the mountain, where the waterfall can be seen today.

They say that since that day, the water, using a strange language, describes the fiancée. It draws her with her wedding dress and veil, ready to get married.

Image credit: Turismo al Peru

The ravine in question is actually called the Pachachaca tunnel – a deep natural formation, with some evidence of stalactites. From the small mouth you advance up to two curves to then find yourself inside a 100-feet (30-meter) long underground cavern, which connects with the veil of the bride.

The most intrepid would say it is “the tunnel of the bride.”

Image credit: Turismo al Peru

La Cascada de la Novia is truly a sight to behold, and definitely a worthy destination for anyone traveling to Peru. If you visit between December and May, when there is a greater flow, this magical waterfall is sure to leave you spellbound.

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