Remarkably Fluorescent Green Plumage, A Distinctive Black Mask, A Bright Red Lipstick-like Bill, And Equally Vibrant Legs Truly Set This Bird Apart From The Rest!

An unforgettable sight for any fortunate birder who catches a glimpse of it, this remarkable bird mouse boasts fluorescent green plumage, a distinctive black “bandit’s mask” across its face, and a bulbous, lipstick-red bill that sets it apart in a truly unique way.

Meet the Javan Green Magpie:

“Javan Green Magpie at Chester Zoo” by PaleoMatt is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

The Javan green magpie (Cissa thalassina) are predominantly adorned in vivid green plumage, featuring a distinctive black “mask” encircling their eyes, russet wings, and white tertiary feathers. They are characterized by their strikingly bright red beaks and eyerings, complemented by equally vibrant legs ranging from shades of red to orange. Their eyes sport a deep brown hue, and they exhibit a relatively short tail.

“File:Kraska krátkoocasá Zoo Praha 2.jpg” by Václav Šilha is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Male and female birds look very similar.

The juvenile birds have a pale blue plumage.

Screenshot via Youtube/So Cheshire

This critically endangered bird species is native to the island of Java in Indonesia.

Screenshot via Youtube/So Cheshire

There they are found in the dense montane forests of Java where food is abundant.

“File:Bornean Green Magpie 1.jpg” by ReubenST is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Javan green magpies are known for their striking green plumage, which they acquire through their high-protein diet, mainly consisting of insects.

Screenshot via Youtube/Haval TV

Unfortunately, there are believed to be only around 50 individuals left in the wild, and they are at high risk of extinction primarily due to the illegal pet trade. Efforts are underway to conserve and breed these birds to prevent their extinction.

“File:Kraska krátkoocasá Zoo Praha 1.jpg” by Václav Šilha is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Regarding reproduction, there is limited information available, but it is known that their mating season occurs throughout the year. Females usually lay one to two eggs in a clutch, and their green plumage plays a crucial role in attracting mates. They are initially born with pale blue plumage but transition to green feathers after their first molt, which is crucial for their breeding. These birds measure approximately 9.6 to 11.8 inches (24.5-30 cm) in length.

Screenshot via Youtube/Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

As for their population, Javan green magpies are critically endangered, with only about 50 remaining in the wild. Their numbers are continually decreasing, and there have been no recent sightings in the wild, leading some to speculate that they may already be extinct there. Their lifespan can be relatively long, with one individual reaching nearly 18 years of age. Typically, birds in the Corvidae family live for about 15-20 years.

Watch this bird in captivity below:

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