A heroic Dog Mom who despite months of starvation and freezing conditions, never allowed her five puppies to go hungry. 2hi

The heart-wrenching story of Celeste, a dedicated mother dog, has deeply moved people worldwide. At the tender age of two, Celeste found herself abandoned, pregnant, and alone. Despite her dire circumstances, she possessed a serene, contemplative, and endearing disposition. She was forced to give birth in perilous surroundings and endure life on the unforgiving streets.

With every ounce of her strength, Celeste did her utmost to provide for her beautiful puppies, even as she practically vanished from sight due to her challenging circumstances. Surviving as a street dog is an arduous feat, especially with the responsibility of birthing, nurturing, and caring for five puppies. It was apparent that Celeste and her five pups were severely undernourished. Employing every available nutrient, she nourished her puppies and shielded them from the harsh winter cold.

Despite her own starvation, Celeste’s foster mother, Elaine, observed that Celeste was “extremely emaciated, while the puppies were voraciously feeding.”

Remarkably, Celeste’s puppies were in nearly perfect health despite their challenging early life. Celeste struggled to feed her five offspring, and her own appearance bore the marks of hunger. For more than five months, this devoted mother dedicated her life to ensuring the safety and well-being of her offspring. Finally, Celeste was receiving the attention she deserved.

The BC SPCA revealed that Celeste willingly went without food to feed her children. After enduring a harsh life on the streets, she sacrificed everything to ensure her offspring’s security, making it high time she received the same affection.

Elaine Nelson-Hosak, a foster mother with the BC SPCA, felt compelled to welcome Celeste and her pups into her home. Celeste entered her life during a time of personal loss, and the timing seemed almost serendipitous. They needed each other, as who could better soothe the anguish of a broken heart than a loyal canine companion who could love and care for Celeste and her puppies?

Following that, Celeste steadily regained weight and strength through a meticulous “refeeding” regimen. Her body eagerly embraced the six small, nutrient-rich meals she enjoyed daily, resulting in a 90-pound weight gain. The uplifting news is that four of her five puppies have already found loving homes and been reunited with their families.

Judging by her response to care and her bond with her foster mother, it was evident that Celeste had found her forever home. Fondly referred to as “Momma” by the family, she now revels in the comforts of cuddling on the couch and basking by the fireside, a stark contrast to her former life on the streets. No longer an outcast, she has embraced her newfound purpose, and “Momma” is now safe, content, and dearly loved.

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