Tiniest Dog Rescued From Puppy Mill Is Introduced To His First-Ever Friend

Ruggles the Shih-Tzu is a sweet dog. He was sent to a new area where a new life might begin.

He made a new companion who had only lately been liberated from a tough circumstance to represent this fresh beginning. Chompers the kitten was discovered abandoned under a porch when he was just two days old. The following video depicts their initial interaction.

Ruggles and Chompers both had difficult beginnings, but they are now content and healthy because they were adopted by caring people. Ruggles eventually became well-known after being selected to serve as the spokesman for the Cherokee County Animal Shelter. In order to inform kids about shelter animals and puppy mills, the dog now visits classrooms.

If you’re wondering why they weren’t adopted together, it’s because Chompers (who lived up to her name! ) was abusing young Ruggles. and because of his health difficulties, it was decided that it would be best for both animals to be adopted separately. They both feel love and happiness.

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