Woman Leaves Her Wealth To Her Pets And Not Her Children Who Were Never Close to Her When She Was Sick

Woman Leaves Her Wealth To Her Pets And Not Her Children Who Were Never Close to Her When She Was Sick

In China, an affectionate elderly woman named Liu has recently made a significant decision regarding her 20 million yuan (US$2.8 million) fortune. Rather than bequeathing it to her adult children, she has chosen to leave the entirety of her wealth to her cherished cats and dogs. Continue reading to explore the reactions of people to this unexpected turn in her will.

At times, cats and dogs may fail to grasp the extent of their fortune in having devoted owners who exceed expectations for their care

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Liu had initially intended to allocate money and property to her three children in her will some time ago. However, a change of heart ensued. Why? Well, as it turns out, her children weren’t particularly attentive during her bouts of illness, and communication with them was sparse.

On the contrary, her loyal companions the cats and dogs – stood faithfully by her side. Liu disclosed in a report that her pets consistently offered her support. Consequently, she opted to revise her will, directing every cent towards the well-being of her pets and any offspring they might have in the future. It’s her method of ensuring they receive the affection and attention they warrant, even in her absence.

Despite the legal restriction, Chen noted the presence of alternative solutions to tackle the issue

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Liu has assigned the responsibility of caring for her pets and handling her inheritance to a local veterinary clinic. Initially, Liu wanted to leave her entire estate directly to her cherished animals, but Chinese law prohibits this, as clarified by Chen Kai, an official from the Will Registration Centre headquarters in Beijing.

Chen Kai explained that Liu’s existing will is a possibility. He suggested that Liu could designate a trusted individual to supervise the veterinary clinic, guaranteeing her pets receive proper care.

What if her children return to her filled with affection

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An official from the eastern China branch of the China Will Registration Centre disclosed that they had warned Liu about the potential dangers of entrusting all her funds to the veterinary clinic before she completed her will. “We reminded Auntie Liu that if her children have a change of heart, she can revise her will,” the official stated.

Liu’s narrative has sparked a vibrant online discourse regarding inheritance and familial relationships. One online commentator empathized, remarking, “She must have felt deeply disappointed and saddened to choose not to leave anything to her children.”

Her narrative even stirred inspiration in certain individuals

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In response to Liu’s choice, many individuals online found resonance, sharing their own reflections. One individual affirmed, “Bravo. If my daughter mistreats me in the future, I’ll also bequeath my home to others.”

This dialogue emerges following a reminiscent case from the previous December, where a Shanghai court validated a man’s will. He opted to bestow his entire estate, totaling 3.3 million yuan (US$466,000), to a benevolent fruit stall proprietor instead of his kin. Despite challenges from relatives, the court honored the man’s stated intentions.

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Dealing with family issues can pose significant challenges. There’s another anecdote where a girl cautioned her sister regarding her new boyfriend, yet regrettably, her advice went unheeded. Consequently, the sister is now in the process of filing for a divorce. Take a look at this narrative and share your thoughts.

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