A service dog receives the ‘best day ever’ as an unforgettable tribute for transforming a little girl’s life.

Bella Burton was only four years old when she was diagnosed with Morquio syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects the skeletal system, as well as many other organs and physical abilities. This diagnosis meant that Bella’s ability to walk would be compromised, and she would require walking aids to maintain her independence. For years, Bella relied on crutches or a wheelchair to get around, which limited her mobility and prevented her from enjoying life to the fullest.

However, everything changed when Bella was introduced to George, a Great Dane trained to be her service dog. Bella had been volunteering at the non-profit organization, Service Dog Project, for a year when she was introduced to George. When she climbed up with him one day, George looked at her with pure adoration, and they both knew they were meant to be together.

For Bella, George was more than just a service dog. He was her best friend, her companion, and her protector. With George by her side, Bella could finally experience the world in a way she had never been able to before. He gave her the confidence and independence she needed to live a full and happy life.

When Bella and her mother, Rachel Burton, heard about BarkPost’s “Dog’s Best Day” series, they knew they had to nominate George. This series was designed to celebrate the bond between dogs and their owners and to give deserving dogs a day of pampering and indulgence. Bella and Rachel knew that George deserved a day to be spoiled and loved, just as much as he spoils and loves them every day.

The day started at the Copley Plaza Hotel, where George was greeted like a VIP. The doorman held the door open for him, and the hotel’s regional vice president personally welcomed George and Bella to the hotel. “On behalf of our K-9 ambassadors, have the best day ever! George, you’re off duty. Go and enjoy Boston!” he exclaimed.

George’s first stop was at Walhburger, where he was treated to a platter of hamburgers – a real treat for a service dog who is not normally allowed to eat people’s food. George devoured the burgers with gusto, savoring each juicy bite. Bella and Rachel watched with delight as their furry friend enjoyed his special day.

Next, George went to play in the snow. He ran, jumped, and rolled in the fluffy white powder, his tail wagging with joy. Bella and Rachel followed him, laughing and taking pictures of their happy companion. After playing in the snow, George went to get a massage at a local pet spa. He lay on a plush bed while a professional masseuse worked her magic, easing the tension in his muscles and soothing his mind.

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The day ended with a fancy dinner at a local restaurant, where George was served a gourmet meal fit for a king. Bella and Rachel sat with him, enjoying their own meals as well. George was the star of the evening, with other diners stopping by to pet him and admire his handsome features.

As the day came to a close, Bella and Rachel reflected on the incredible bond they shared with George. They knew that without him, Bella’s life would be much more limited and challenging. George had given them the gift of friendship, love, and freedom, and they were grateful for every moment they spent with him.

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