Blind Dog Spins Around In Shelter For Yrs Until Mother And Daughter Bring Her Home

Finding a home for a dog who has special needs is not always easy.

Many of these pups require extra care and training, which isn’t something every potential pet owner can take on. Sadly, this was the case for a dog named Vickie at the Plainfield Area Humane Society in Plainfield, New Jersey.

The 7-year-old pit bull was surrendered as a puppy because she is blind. Shelter workers spent years trying to give her the perfect family, but they couldn’t find anyone to take in the untrained dog who had never spent time in a normal home. While Vickie charmed everyone she met, she remained where she was for a staggering six years.

With tons of energy to burn off and no visual stimulation, Vickie developed a habit of spinning around in rapid circles in her small kennel. Volunteers gave her as much attention as they could, but things looked bleak for the poor girl – until a mother and daughter showed up one day and changed her life forever!

Ellen and her daughter Honora went to the shelter to volunteer. As soon as they met Vickie, they were amazed by her wonderful temperament and felt completely heartbroken that she’d been left there for so many years.

“My daughter started to cry, saying, ‘We can’t just leave her, we have to do something,’” Ellen explained.

So the two of them started coming by every day to visit. Even if they couldn’t stay long, they made sure the pup felt loved by taking her on walks and playing with her in the yard. Vickie seemed to sense their kindness because, even though the shelter manager described her as “skittish” around strangers, she took to Ellen and Honora like they were already family!

“She’d never been in a home, but she was just such a love, and I didn’t understand why anybody hadn’t come for her,” Ellen said.

The mom and daughter began teaching Vickie basic obedience and found out she was a quick learner who was eager to please. Helping Vickie come out of her shell became a way for Ellen and Honora to bond as well.

“With Honora and I, Vickie has given us a common thread,” the mom explained. “She’s just a goofy little dog who needs us. She’s just a lovely, sweet goofball, and I think she should understand what unconditional love is.”

After a few months, they decided it was finally time for Vickie to leave for good! They headed back to the shelter one last time to make her adoption official and bring her to her forever home!

While they have faced many challenges as they help her adapt to her new life, they’re tackling every moment with patience and compassion.

“Vickie will just have love heaped on her, and she will never need or want anything as long as she lives,” Ellen said.

What a powerful reminder that all animals are worthy of love! We’re so glad Ellen and Honora came into Vickie’s life when she needed them most!

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