Abandoned and in pain, the cries of a half-paralyzed dog echo the heartlessness of those who left it on the street, revealing the depth of its suffering.

Heartless people left a paraplegic dog abandoned in a yard, crawling and covered in over 200 ticks. But the worst part? She was pregnant and close to giving birth. It’s hard to fathom the cruelty of such an act, leaving a defenseless animal in such a state. But thankfully, there are kind-hearted people out there who step up to help those in need.

Days after her rescue, Alanis, the paraplegic dog, was found to be suffering from anemia and erlichia. But despite her condition, she miraculously gave birth to five puppies through a cesarean section. The puppies were born healthy, but Alanis had several complications during the surgery, including four arrests and a significant drop in her hematocrit.

But Alanis’ will to survive was strong. Despite her trauma, she refused to let her puppies go hungry, even though she couldn’t nurse them herself. With the help of Myriam, the puppies were fed with formula and a syringe.

Days went by, and Alanis and her puppies were growing stronger. The puppies were feeding well and were getting bigger by the day. Alanis, too, was showing signs of improvement. Although she couldn’t use her legs, she was exercising them, and they were getting stronger every day.

After 120 days, Alanis and her puppies were adopted by a loving family. It’s heartwarming to see how far Alanis has come, from being abandoned and left to die to have a family who loves and cares for her. It’s a testament to the resilience of animals and how love and care can make a significant difference in their lives.

We must remember that animals are not disposable objects. They are living beings that deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion. Let’s hope that Alanis’ story will inspire others to be more mindful of their actions and to show love and kindness to all animals.

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