Heartwarming Rescue: Husky’s Courage Shines as it Nurtures Seven Abandoned Kittens nin

Heartwarming Rescue: Husky’s Courage Shines as it Nurtures Seven Abandoned Kittens

Banner, the service dog, has a heart of gold. She is not only dedicated to assisting owner Whitney Braley with her handicap, but she also has a talent for rescuing and caring for other animals in need.

Whitney has had the 3-year-old Husky since she was a puppy, and Whitney has taught Banner to help her and others with a variety of tasks.

Whitney told Bored Panda, “She alerts to PTSD episodes, anxiety attacks, headaches, guidework, momentum pull, medicine retrieval, self harm interruption, and a few more.”

“She’s constantly connected to kittens, and we do a lot of rescuing.” Banner reared my first bottle baby cat that I found in a ditch two years ago. That cat is still with us, but she has raised at least ten different litters of kittens throughout the years. This is the first time SHE has come across something like this.”

What she discovered was heartbreaking. A sealed cardboard box in the woods, with 7 newborn kittens inside, barely a day old and freezing to death. Banner alerted Whitney and brought her to the woods, where she opened the box and extracted the little kittens one by one.

“Someone must have just put them in a cardboard box, locked the lid tight, and left them to die,” Whitney told Metro. “They presumably assumed no one would ever find them.” I’m not sure how Banner knew they were in there. The kittens were freezing and not meowing at all.”

“It sickens me that someone could do that to these helpless animals.” It’s so callous and terrible.”

Banner hasn’t left the kittens’ side since and has adopted them as if they were her own. Whitney told Bored Panda, “I got her spayed at 1.5 years old, but she’s incredibly maternal.”

“Now I will find suitable homes for the kittens, where they will be loved indefinitely.” Because our local shelter kills in three days, I should do it myself. That is why I constantly wind up fostering infants. I do not want them to perish.”

“I’m overjoyed that, thanks to Banner, these kittens will now live their lives with loving homes.” It makes my heart happy.”

Banner is a great hero, dedicated to assisting all creatures and animals. She also has thousands of fans on her Instagram and Facebook pages. Check them out for progress updates on the kitties!

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