Abandoned Dog Goes From “Bali Streets To Silky Sheets” When She Meets Her Forever Family.

The rescue workers at Bali Paws have saved many abused animals, and seeing the sweet dogs thrive in their new forever homes makes all their hard work worthwhile!

One day, their team members found a tiny hairless pup. She had been abandoned and was hiding in a dog house in front of someone’s villa. Even with all their experience, her rescuers were appalled by her condition.

The little one was suffering from a severe case of mange that had left her completely bald and in agony. She also had an infection in one of her eyes.

Desi, who works for the rescue, said the poor girl had lived her entire life in a cage while being used for breeding. Once she “wasn’t cute and healthy anymore,” her captors abandoned her on the street. Fortunately, Desi was able to lure her out of hiding and quickly began lavishing her with all the love and attention she craved.

“The moment I actually grabbed her, she was super calm,” Desi said. “I think she knew that I wouldn’t hurt her.”

They named the dog Lucy Ray, and as soon as her medical conditions were addressed, her full personality finally emerged! Her rescuers said she was incredibly sweet to be around and “always wanted to cuddle.”

Over the next seven weeks, she grew healthier and put on weight. She also got used to being around other dogs, learned to walk on grass, and had her first taste of a loving home.

This was all great practice because Bali Paws soon found her a perfect forever home – all the way across the world in Centreville, Virginia!

Matt and Brianna knew they had to have Lucy Ray in their lives the minute they saw her pictures and heard her story. As soon as the little dog arrived, they fell head over heels!

“We were both just so in love with her,” Brianna said. “She was just so sweet, and we feel like she just attached to our heart immediately and acted like she’d been ours.”

These days, Lucy Ray is one of the most pampered pets around! Her Instagram page says she “went from Bali streets to silky sheets,” and she couldn’t be happier about it!

“She definitely shows us how much she loves us and appreciates us, and we return the same to her because we love her more than anything,” Matt added.

As for Brianna, she said they’re constantly amazed by their pet’s ability to forgive and move on from her traumatic start in life. “I think after all she’s been through, the fact that she’s so sweet and so loving and trusting of us is just miraculous.”

Talk about a happy ending! Thank you to everyone who made this fur family happen!

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