Pup With a 5 Pound Lion-Like Matted Coat Changes Drastically After Grooming

Pup With a 5 Pound Lion-Like Matted Coat Changes Drastically After Grooming

Every groomer has faced challenging cases that require a moment of pause, reflection, and strategy. If you’re wondering what such a case might look like, Giuseppe’s story is the perfect illustration.

From Rug to Pup

Image source: Facebook

The team at Española Humane (EH) was taken aback when they encountered a desolate dog, so matted that he resembled a discarded rug more than a living creature.

Mattie Allen, EH’s director of communications, poignantly remarked, “It took my breath away when I saw him. The only way we could tell which end was which was because we could see his mouth.” Tragically, Giuseppe’s state was a result of being confined in a tiny crate, deprived of movement and human touch.

But fate had a brighter path for Giuseppe. Rescued and brought to the shelter, he was now in the hands of those determined to change his life.

The Transformation Begins

Image source: Facebook

Ensuring Giuseppe’s comfort was paramount, but his fear and pain made it a challenge. Every inch of him seemed to cry out in agony. In a brilliant move, the team decided to sedate Giuseppe, allowing them to safely remove the painful mats.

An astonishing 5 pounds of fur was shaved off, revealing the dog beneath. Once awake, Giuseppe, with his new haircut, seemed reborn.

Having been deprived of sight for so long due to the matted fur, he now sat quietly, absorbing his surroundings, as if seeing the world for the first time.

A Startling Revelation

Image source: Facebook

Post-grooming, a veterinary examination revealed a concerning fact. Giuseppe suffered from hypothyroidism, leading to dangerous obesity that hampered his mobility and breathing.

Hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland underproduces essential hormones, can cause symptoms like fatigue, mental sluggishness, and weight gain in dogs.

Towards a Brighter Future

Despite the challenges he’s faced, Giuseppe’s spirit remains unbroken. With the unwavering support of the EH team, he’s on a path to recovery. “He just needs time and love. And we feel very fortunate to be able to give him that,” the team shares. While Giuseppe isn’t ready for adoption just yet, there’s little doubt that once he’s fully healed, a loving home awaits him, ready to cherish him every moment.

Cheers to a brighter future, Giuseppe!


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