From Granola Bar-Sized Pup to Unrecognizable Transformation: The Remarkable Journey of an Abandoned Puppy

From Granola Bar-Sized Pup to Unrecognizable Transformation: The Remarkable Journey of an Abandoned Puppy

Upon meeting Guppy Hanson for the first time, the team at Bryson Veterinary Clinic immediately recognized her resilience.

This days-old Shih Tzu-beagle mix, with a leg deformity, had faced rejection from her mother.

Despite these challenges, the clinic was determined to give the 4-ounce puppy a chance at life.

Image source: JESS Lane

With a mission to nurture Guppy back to health, the staff initiated a bottle-feeding routine.

However, Guppy’s journey took a heartwarming turn on her very first night.

“When my mom brought her home, I immediately fell in love.” Jess Lane told The Dodo.

Image source: JESS Lane

Time revealed Guppy’s tenacity. At the age of 3 months, a series of X-rays provided insight into her leg’s condition, showing a missing shoulder joint and other bones.

Image source: JESS Lane

But Guppy’s spirit was undeterred. With the love and care of her family, and the nurturing presence of a rescue dog named Libby, she flourished.

As Jess Lane shared, “[Libby] turned out to be a great surrogate mother for Guppy. She would clean her and love on her.”

Image source: JESS Lane

By 4 months, the family made a surprising discovery about Guppy’s hearing. Jess Lane recounted, “We realized that she never looked at us when we called her name and that she always seemed startled upon awakening.”

Image source: JESS Lane

A visit to the vet confirmed Guppy’s deafness. Yet, this revelation didn’t dampen Guppy’s vibrant spirit. She continued to adapt, grow, and charm everyone around her.

Image source: JESS Lane

From navigating stairs to playing with other pets and even discovering a passion for digging, Guppy’s milestones were a testament to her resilience.

Jess Lane observed, “You’d think she would have issues digging with one paw, but she doesn’t. She loves to dig.”

Image source: JESS Lane

Whether she’s indulging in her favorite toys, enjoying neighborhood strolls in her stroller, or basking in her family’s affection, Guppy’s days are filled with joy.

As Jess’s son affectionately declares every day, “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, yes, you are!”

Image source: JESS Lane

Now, at a robust 8 months and weighing over 14 pounds, Guppy’s transformation is evident. Yet, her fighting spirit remains her defining trait.

Reflecting on their journey together, Jess Lane concludes, “She’s such a fun little girl. I cannot imagine life without her.”

h/t The Dodo

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