Puppy who had teeth pulled out by former owner is now ‘living his best life’ in foster home
It’s mind-boggling how cruel some humans can be to animals. We’ve heard of pets being rescued from terrible home situations in deplorable circumstances. But, happily, there are…

For Two Long Years, He Spent Every Day In Front Of The House Waiting For His Owner To Return In Vain
When we speak about loyalty, dogs are the best illustration, their devotion has no limite. In this narrative a profound illustration of such. A friendly neighbor notified…

Hidden Under A Bench Full Of Debris And Full Of Mud, She Finally Feels A Hand Caressing Her
It is in our power to make a difference , it is not enough only to raise our voice and demand justice for abandoned, mistreated animals,…

She became fed up with her dog being called “ugly” and displayed her inner beauty, becoming viral.
It is terrible that some people use derogatory names to condemn others, because no one has the right to degrade others based on their physical characteristics, and…

They Reject Her Because She Was Born Without Eyes And Consider Sacrificing Her Because She Didn’t Deserve Anyone’s Love
Precious is a chihuahua dog that was born with unusual issues. From the initial days of her infancy, her owners noted that her head seemed a bit…

On a sweltering summer day, a store opens its doors to a stray dog so it may cool down.
For stray animals, life may be quite difficult. They are completely exposed to all weather conditions because they have no housing or refuge to go to. We’ve…

Maggie Is Now Just Making A Progress And Has Become A Therapy Dog!
Maggie, a 5-year-old dog, is a miracle dog considering the difficulties she has previously overcome in order to live. She survived being shot 17 times, finding a…

They Rescue A Dog That Was Used For Street Fights, He Cries When They Give Him A Bed
Manchas is a very gregarious and well-liked Pitbull Terrier dog in his neighborhood, but he wasn’t always like that because his previous owners exposed him to street…

Brave Dog Gets Stabbed In The Head While Saving His Human, Survives Miraculously
Dogs are one of the most devoted animals, capable of lavishing you with unconditional love. They are not only loyal to their families, but also protective of…

Old Beggar Passed Away, But This Stray Dog Still Goes Find Food For His Close Friend
HV-Dogs are incredibly loyal and affectionate animals, and the link that exists between a dog and its owner is one of a kind. That’s why there are…