A Mistreated Dog Finds The Ideal Siblings To Help Him Combat Anxiety.

A Mistreated Dog Finds The Ideal Siblings To Help Him Combat Anxiety.

An uplifting video has surfaced online, showcasing two dogs consoling their anxious canine brother.

Uploaded to Reddit by user Creepy-Bite-3174, the footage highlights the challenges faced by Rex, a rescue dog, and the unwavering support he receives from his dog companions.

A 2020 Finnish research in the journal Nature revealed that 72.5% of dogs exhibit anxiety-related behaviors.

This study, which analyzed around 13,700 dogs, indicates that dogs, like humans, grapple with intricate psychological challenges. Often, these stem from their early life experiences, as seen with Rex.

Rex’s guardian, Ross, is his fourth owner. Ross adopted the English/French mastiff mix when he was only 18 months old.

“Past owners mistreated Rex,” Ross shared with Newsweek. “He was almost euthanized due to perceived aggression, which was actually fear-induced anxiety.”

Image source: Reddit

Ross emphasized that it’s crucial to differentiate between anxiety and aggression in dogs. An aggressive dog might prolong a confrontation, while an anxious one would typically avoid the source of its fear.

Rex’s journey to recovery was aided by Ross’s understanding and patience. “After my divorce, Rex was my first dog. We supported each other,” Ross recalled. “Over the past 30 months, I’ve been helping him heal. He’s now more sociable and less anxious.”

Rex’s canine siblings, Winnie and Huxley, have been instrumental in his transformation. Winnie, the white dog in the video, shares a special bond with Rex.

Image source: Reddit

“Winnie, a rescue from Texas, was discovered abandoned. Being deaf, she sometimes depends on Rex to interpret human commands,” Ross explained.

The bond between Rex and Winnie was immediate. “Winnie isn’t frightened by Rex’s growls due to her deafness. Their bond has made Rex more relaxed.”

The heartwarming relationship among the three dogs is evident in the Reddit video, which has garnered over 20,000 upvotes. Many Redditors expressed their admiration, with comments like “They’re so cute” and “Rex is fortunate to have such pals.”

Rex epitomizes how rescue dogs, when given a second chance, can prosper in the right environment.

Image source: Reddit

Currently, Rex enjoys life with Ross, his wife, and their three children in Rochester, New York. Their days are filled with family cuddles and playful backyard antics.

“Rex is fond of leisurely walks and cuddling. He’s typically laid-back, like most mastiffs, and loves staying close to me,” Ross mentioned.

Despite the hurdles, Ross feels blessed to have Rex. “I often say how fortunate I am to have such an amazing dog,” he expressed.

It’s evident that Winnie and Huxley feel the same way.


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