Dog Who Fell Off Boat, Swims For Several Miles To Safety And Reunites With Owner

Dog Who Fell Off Boat, Swims For Several Miles To Safety And Reunites With Owner

When Captain Keith “Kiwi” Soffes of San Leon, Texas, headed out on his shrimp boat, he had his loyal pup companion, Monster, with him, as he always did. Monster, familiar with the sea from countless voyages, enjoyed her time on the boat. However, on one fateful trip, Monster mysteriously fell overboard.

Image Source: Fox 26

Devastated, Soffes realized Monster had disappeared when she was not at her usual spot, helping him with the net. “My heart just fell. I couldn’t even speak,” Soffes lamented. Knowing she was miles away from any shoreline in the middle of Galveston Bay, he scoured the coast and waterways, desperate for any sign of her. As hours turned into days, the weight of Monster’s absence became unbearable. Soffes turned to social media, sharing his heartache and seeking information. “I lost the one thing in this world that I truly loved. My best friend, Monster dog,” he wrote, holding onto hope that someone might have spotted her.


Five days later, a glimmer of hope surfaced. A lady claimed she’d seen a dog resembling Monster at a park. Skeptical yet hopeful, Soffes thought, “There’s no way that dog swam that far.” But upon investigating, he found his beloved Monster at a nearby trailer park. Their reunion was tearful and emotional, with Monster showering him with kisses. “I was crying so hard I couldn’t even speak,” Soffes expressed.

Image Source: Fox 26

Soffes believes Monster’s familiarity with the water from their daily trips helped her survive her long swim to safety. After their distressing separation, Keith now plans to ensure Monster’s safety on future voyages by equipping her with a tracking device and a life jacket.



Now back home, Monster seems unperturbed by her long swim, resting comfortably. Soffes jokingly mused on Facebook, “She acts like nothing happened… She probably jumped off just to get on television.” Regardless, he’s overjoyed to have his loyal companion by his side once again.


Image Source: Fox 26

Their bond, already deep, has undoubtedly grown stronger after this harrowing adventure.


Image Source: Fox 26

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