Dog Travels 65 Kilometers to Reunite with Cherished Owner

Dog Travels 65 Kilometers to Reunite with Cherished Owner

When Seneca Krueger adopted her foster dog Zelda last year, she couldn’t have anticipated the remarkable journey Zelda would embark on to reunite with her.

As a psychologist and devoted dog foster parent, Krueger has aided over 30 dogs in building trust with humans. Zelda, however, touched her heart in a unique way.

Image source: Seneca Krueger

Recognizing that Zelda was most at ease when leashed, Krueger introduced tether training. Remarkably, this previously timid pup started showing signs of trust.

“She clung to me whenever I was home,” Krueger reflected.

“In just two weeks of tether training, Zelda’s anxiety levels dropped significantly, and she occasionally ventured out of her usual hiding spots.”

Image source: Seneca Krueger

After two months with Krueger, Zelda began showing even more signs of happiness like wagging her tail and playfully barking.

Yet, Krueger understood that her role was to prepare Zelda for her forever home. “It’s a foster’s duty to help them transition and then let them embark on their new chapter,” she explained.

Image source: Seneca Krueger

When the time came, Krueger transported Zelda 65km to her new residence. The farewell was gut-wrenching.

“I was so overwhelmed that I had to pull over because tears obstructed my vision,” she confessed. “It felt like I was parting with my own pet.”

Image source: Seneca Krueger

But a mere ten days later, Krueger got the news that shattered her heart – Zelda had vanished. Without hesitation, she began the search.

START, a volunteer dog rescue team, also got involved. They set up feeding points and surveillance across the area. Even with plummeting temperatures, Krueger’s determination never wavered.

Two months into the search, a revelation: Zelda was spotted in Minneapolis, indicating she might be heading back to Krueger. Soon after, sightings near Krueger’s home increased. Holding onto hope, she left out food and familiar scents to lure Zelda.

Then, a breakthrough. A local couple reported they’d been caring for a skittish dog resembling Zelda. But after so long, Krueger was wary of getting her hopes up.

However, in an early morning surprise, the couple managed to secure the dog, and a scan by a START representative confirmed it – against all odds, Zelda had journeyed back.

The reunion was emotional. “It felt surreal. I was overwhelmed with relief and gratitude,” Krueger said. “I promised her she’s home now and that I had always been searching for her.”

Now, Zelda comfortably resides with Krueger, her unwavering beacon of hope.

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