A Helpless, Starving Pup Lies On The Curb, Hoping For Help

A Helpless, Starving Pup Lies On The Curb, Hoping For Help

There will be moments in life when we are confronted with the choice to help a starving animal, be it a dog or a cat.

It is common for many individuals to dismiss these situations, hoping someone else will step in instead of taking action themselves.

However, we should not adopt such a mindset. Even if we can offer just a small amount of help, it is worth considering, as it can make a significant difference in the life of the animal we assist.

This story revolves around a starving dog who patiently waited for someone to extend a helping hand. Fortunately, his patience paid off.

Hungry, Helpless Dog Sleeping On The Street

Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

In late August of 2022, Donna Lochmann, an employee of Stray Rescue of St. Louis, received a call regarding a dog sleeping on the streets during the summer heat. The caller sent pictures of the dog to help devise a strategy for his rescue.

Donna Lochmann, the chief life-saving officer at Stray Rescue of St. Louis, shared with The Dodo: “The picture this person sent us showed the dog lying down. It was hard to tell, but it kind of looked like you could see his hip bones. So I knew it was definitely worth checking out.”

She swiftly arrived at the location but was unable to locate the pup as he had moved. She searched the area for a while and ultimately found him.

Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

The dog was resting in the water flowing from the gutter, seeking a respite from the heat. As Lochmann approached him, she realized that he was in dire need of assistance.

Lochmann recounted: “When I pulled up to the end of the alley, he must’ve heard me. I watched him pick his head up, kind of look around, and then flop his head back down on the curb as if he’d completely given up.”


The sight of the dog broke Lochmann’s heart, leading her to decide that she couldn’t simply leave him there all alone.

The pup was welcoming and unafraid when she approached him. She aided him in boarding her car and making himself comfortable.

Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

Expanding more, Lochmann said: “I keep blankets in the back of the jeep, so he laid down right away. He seemed so grateful for air conditioning and a place to be comfortable.”

The dog, now named Curby, thoroughly enjoyed his ride to the shelter. After undergoing the necessary examinations, he was placed in a foster home by a compassionate family who had seen his video and decided to offer their assistance.

Curby is thriving in the company of his new foster family, and he particularly enjoys spending time napping and playing with his canine sibling.


Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis

His family is making sure he is eating enough, and it has shown, as he gained a lot of weight, and is now moving to a normal diet.

It’s unknown whether Curby was adopted by now, but given how playful and sweet he is, there’s no doubt that he will find a loving family who can take him to his forever home.


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