Man Saves His Life And Then Adopts The Adorable Pittie Mix Pup

Man Saves His Life And Then Adopts The Adorable Pittie Mix Pup

Being a part of an animal rescue is a journey of both sorrow and happiness.

Joey Wagner, a volunteer at BSM Animal Society in Nova Scotia, Canada, witnessed this firsthand. Upon receiving news about a critically endangered Pitbull puppy mix, he didn’t think twice before springing into action.

With mere moments away from death, the puppy was found in a miserable state – not only had he been abused and neglected, but he was also suffering from mange. Fortunately, Joey arrived in the nick of time to get him to proper medical care.

Here’s the story of their bond…

Mojo’s Life Was Saved In The Last Minute

Credits: JOE

Joey named him Mojo, the little Pittie-mix, who was on the brink, suffering from severe dehydration and a terrible mange infection that robbed him of his fur.

While many opened their hearts to the idea of adopting Mojo, his recovery journey in the hospital meant it was not yet possible.

Credits: ProjectHappyWay

As Mojo’s health began to get better, Joey was the first one with paperwork in hand, eager to provide the pup with a forever home. And the look in Mojo’s eyes when Joey visited was something out of a fairy tale. Even with their brief interaction during the rescue, Mojo jumped into Joey’s embrace and started showering him with licks.

Their reunion wasn’t just touching; it only reaffirmed the bond that can be formed between humans and animals. Those that were there were very thrilled that Mojo had found the perfect human to call his own.

Credits: Hope For Mojo

The Wagner household is a dog paradise, filled with love, who already are proud parents to several dogs. So, Mojo got hooman and furry friends, both at once.

Mojo, with his friendly personality, very easily settled into his new environment. And, under the loving care of the Wagners, he experienced the joys of a fulfilled life.

Credits: Hope For Mojo

However, life brought another challenge in 2022. Mojo was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently passed away. Joey shared the heartbreaking news on his Facebook, painting a picture to show his final moments and expressing the depth of their bond.

Even as the year mark of Mojo’s passing approaches, his memory remains undiminished.

“As we approach a year without him, the void he left is palpable. Yet, the joy he brought us remains always with us. Mojo was not just a dog; he was an emblem of resilience and love. His story will forever be marked in our hearts,” shared Joey.

Mojo’s life serves as a testament to the power of love and of second chances. His rough start only magnifies the beauty of his life with the Wagners. Farewell, dear Mojo. Your spirit remains eternal!

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