Top 10 Most Stunningly Beautiful Red Birds in the World

Birds come in a wide variety of colors. Some feature relatively dull plumage, while others sport brightly colored feathers. Birds with bright feathers usually evolved specific colors in order to help them attract mates. Depending on the environment where they live, a bird’s coloration can also help camouflage them from predators. In addition, many birds get their color from foods in their diet. Of those birds that feature colorful plumage, there exists a number of birds that are red. These fiery birds stand out from even other eye-catching birds due to their strong, red colors. You can find red birds all over the world, although many fall into the songbird family of smaller birds. That said, some also classify as parrots or wading birds. In this article, we’ll discuss 10 different birds that are red. Hopefully, the next time you’re out and about, you’ll see one of these crimson-colored birds.

#10: Crimson Sunbird

#9: Scarlet Ibis

#8: Summer Tanager

#7: Red-Billed Firefinch

#6: Scarlet Tanager

#5: Red Crossbill

#4: Vermilion Flycatcher

#3: Red-and-Green Macaw

#2: Northern Cardinal

 #1: ‘I’iwi

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