While Mourning The Loss Of His Beloved Cat, Man Receives A Surprising Letter That Consoles Him

While Mourning The Loss Of His Beloved Cat, Man Receives A Surprising Letter That Consoles Him

While Mourning The Loss Of His Beloved Cat, Man Receives A Surprising Letter That Consoles Him

While Mourning The Loss Of His Beloved Cat, Man Receives A Surprising Letter That Consoles HimWhile Mourning The Loss Of His Beloved Cat, Man Receives A Surprising Letter That Consoles Him

I know the pain of losing a beloved pet. However, I always try to stay positive and remind everyone that the love we shared and felt while we had our cat, or any type of pet, is unmeasurable. Plus, all the memories that are left behind. 

I believe that we lose more by not having a pet. There’s a big hole in our hearts that needs to be fulfilled by the love of our pets. 

Many people claim they wouldn’t ever want a pet because they don’t want to feel the pain of losing them after. But Scott is not one of those people!

A man named Scott Ewels was mourning the loss of his beloved cat Bear, but what surprised him the most was a letter that he received days after.

Late Bear Was Loved By Many

handwritten letter on the tablehandwritten letter on the table
Photo from: reddit.com

She wrote in the letter: 

“Dear owner,

I’m your neighbor, living in 4. I’m also your cats’ close friend as they (2 cats) are used to coming to my room every day. But one of them, a bigger one, has disappeared for two weeks. Is he ok? I’m so worried about him. He is a lovely cat and always touched my heart. Wish he is fine. Y. T.” 

Scott found this message attached to Teddy’s, his other cat, collar. Teddy is the one on the left, and Bear is on the right. 

two cats looking uptwo cats looking up
Photo from: facebook.com

Scott left a response message to his pen pal in her mailbox, letting her know that they had lost poor Bear. He wrote his e-mail address as well so she could reply if she wanted to. 

The next day, Scott woke up to a long e-mail. She explained how she loved spending time with the two kitties, how they would always come to her place, and she even sent some photos. 

cat with stripes looking upcat with stripes looking up

“He was just like an angel to me.” 

The neighbor said, and she also added how Bear would always come to her place and keep her company. He would sometimes only nap but sometimes he would sit and listen to her practicing for school. 

“It was so painful. But hearing how much joy he has given to a neighbor as well as to us is really heartwarming. I miss him so much.”

Both Scott and his neighbor miss Bear so much, but it was nice to connect and share their sadness and the painful loss of their beloved feline friend. 

Friendship has no boundaries, and Bear was true proof of that.


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