Furry Visitor Shows Up At A Car Shop Out Of Nowhere And Gets Hired

Furry Visitor Shows Up At A Car Shop Out Of Nowhere And Gets Hired

Furry Visitor Shows Up At A Car Shop Out Of Nowhere And Gets Hired

Furry Visitor Shows Up At A Car Shop Out Of Nowhere And Gets HiredFurry Visitor Shows Up At A Car Shop Out Of Nowhere And Gets Hired

It’s a well-known fact that cats are hilarious, and sometimes we can’t imagine our life without them. At least, I know I can’t. Well, another person who can’t imagine his life without his beloved cat, is Ray. 

Ray owns a car shop and one of his “employees” is his cat, Buster. Buster was a stray cat until he showed up out of nowhere at a junkyard. Ray said:

“I think he just came from above. He was a gift!”

Looks like it’s possible that sometimes a cat chooses and finds you, at least that’s what Buster did. Here’s how Ray describes Buster’s arrival:

“It was a typical morning at the junkyard about a year ago. I went to the backdoor and there was this cat out there. He acted like he’d been with us forever.”

photo of Buster sunbathing on grassphoto of Buster sunbathing on grass
Photo from: @buster_and_brothers

Sweet little Buster probably felt like this is the place where he truly belongs, so he had another idea; he brought his brothers and sisters there too. 

Ray knew he couldn’t bring home so many cats, so he decided to keep Buster there to be their office cat, and looks like that was the best decision ever!

photo of Buster with his name tagphoto of Buster with his name tag
Photo from: @buster_and_brothers

At the car shop, Buster has his food and water bowl, his litter box. He’s always looking for a comfy place to sleep on or he’s looking for treats. But, despite that, Buster is the best PUR manager. 

He’s always on time, he always wants to know what’s going on, and he’s the employee of the month every month. 

Buster sleeping on a desk at workBuster sleeping on a desk at work
Photo from: @buster_and_brothers

The best thing of all is that he greets every customer that comes to the car shop. Buster simply likes being the center of attention. Just look at how Buster makes his customers smile.

If you have ever had a cat, then you already know that they always do something they shouldn’t. Buster adores sitting on customer’s cars, or even worse, hiding and sleeping inside them too.

photo of Buster leaving paw prints on a truckphoto of Buster leaving paw prints on a truck
Photo from: @buster_and_brothers

Still, I think he keeps doing that because every time he does, Ray looks for him and comes to pick him up.

Considering how smart, sneaky, and lovely he is, Ray says: 

“I would say he’s my boss and I’m not his boss by any means.”

Further on, Ray admits how he started getting more attached to Buster and how he always wanted to be with him. So, he came up with an idea to bring him home every weekend.

At home, Buster is pretty much the same cat, just even more hilarious. He’s playful, energetic, and funny. He loves to run around the yard or even climb on the trees, and play with other cats. He’s basically living the best life.

buster lying in owner's lapbuster lying in owner's lap
Photo from: @buster_and_brothers

After the weekend, he and Ray go back to the junkyard, and that makes Ray sad sometimes. He says:

“Sometimes I was feeling guilty about bringing him back to the junkyard. But, I think he actually likes coming back and being the only one there with all the attention.” 

After watching this video, I could really tell that Buster likes to be the only one in charge in the car shop. The best thing is that the strong bond between Buster and Ray is so obvious.

Ray says:

 “It’s just been a kind of relationship that you don’t normally have with a cat.”

This story made my day even better, and I hope that they’ll enjoy their friendship for a long long time to come!


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