Two-Week-Old Kitten Went From Freezing And Alone To A Bundle Of Joy After Being Rescued

Two-Week-Old Kitten Went From Freezing And Alone To A Bundle Of Joy After Being Rescued

Two-Week-Old Kitten Went From Freezing And Alone To A Bundle Of Joy After Being Rescued

Two-Week-Old Kitten Went From Freezing And Alone To A Bundle Of Joy After Being RescuedTwo-Week-Old Kitten Went From Freezing And Alone To A Bundle Of Joy After Being Rescued

If you like stories with happy endings, then you’re in for a treat. Allow me to introduce you to the heartwarming tale of Space Bear, a little cat with a big journey ahead.

This little kitten, only two weeks old, was discovered all alone and trembling on a chilly evening in Southern California.

At first, rescuers hoped for his mother to return. However, as time passed, it became evident that she would not be coming back for him.

newborn black kittennewborn black kitten
Source: Instagram

When Amanda Hodder laid eyes on the pitiful feline, she made a vow to do whatever it took to rescue him.

Her commitment to helping vulnerable kittens led her to team up with Love Your Feral Felines, embarking on the mission to nurse this defenseless creature back to good health. 

Upon reaching her destination, the little kitten, who was later named Space Bear, weighed only about 5 ounces, which was significantly lower than the ideal weight for a kitten of his age. 

kitten drinking milkkitten drinking milk
Source: Instagram

Amanda took on the challenging task of feeding him every two hours, day and night. On the second day in foster care, she gave her followers a concerning update about Space Bear. He was extremely skinny, covered in fleas, and had no appetite. 

Amanda and her followers were well aware that newborns’ lives can take unexpected turns rapidly, given their delicate nature. This made them quite concerned about the little feline.

“My rescue mentors said they were concerned, that he looked like he could be fading and to be prepared for the possibility that he may not make it. They recommended subcutaneous fluids every 8 hours, B12 injections, and adding Pedialyte to his formula.”

kitten with hatkitten with hat
Source: Instagram

Amanda was really worried about his well-being, so in order to avoid causing any heartbreak, she decided not to reveal his name to her followers right away. But still, Amanda’s loyal followers generously donated to support the cute kitten’s recovery.

“I have a name for him but until he stabilizes I’m refraining from sharing it for fear of causing more heartache. That is the plan for him. I’m keeping him warm with a heat disk and blankets.” 

However, despite facing concerning moments, he gradually grew stronger over time, started to eat better, and received much-needed care. 

adorable catadorable cat
Source: Instagram

His true personality started to shine, and the world learned his name, Space Bear, thanks to his playful antics and non-stop purring. In Amanda’s post, penned in his voice, she added:

“I’m continuing to gain weight and show good signs. Mom says because I’m still under a pound, I’m being watched very carefully because I could crash again at any time. I’m almost 300 grams, my stools are perfect, and I’m in good spirits.” 

Despite his tiny stature, he never lost his strength, as Amanda kept on saying:

“I’m always purring and love all the extra attention I’m getting. I don’t like getting poked with needles but afterward, the medicine makes me feel better. Foster mom says something still seems off though, and she hopes I grow out of it.”

two week old kittentwo week old kitten
Source: Instagram

Amanda kept a close eye on Space Bear’s progress for days. She observed how he persevered through challenges, embodying his perspective with her words:

“She wakes up every couple of hours to give me yummy formula. She’s sleepy but says I’m worth every moment of rest lost. You can see her effort in my big belly.”

After three vet techs struggled to locate his tiny “trouble nuggets,” he got neutered. However, everything went smoothly and the staff at the vet clinic couldn’t resist his cute charm.

cat and toycat and toy
Source: Instagram

Finally, Space Bear was adopted and began a new chapter in his life. Renamed Bastian, he was warmly welcomed by his new family. 

This marked the end of his journey from a lonely kitten to a beloved feline companion and the beginning of his life filled with love and happiness.

I trust this tale has sparked something within you, just as it did in me. It’s a beautiful example of how love can truly change lives and make a difference in the world. 

kitten and toyskitten and toys
Source: Instagram

Amanda’s determination and kindness played a crucial role in Space Bear’s/Bastian’s journey to where he is now. If you want to explore Amanda’s extraordinary tales, simply follow Kitten Rescue Life on social media. 

Together, we can keep spreading love and empathy, creating a better world for all living beings, no matter their size.

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