Shelter Cat Stretches Her Paw Out To A Visitor For The Most Heartbreaking Reason

Shelter Cat Stretches Her Paw Out To A Visitor For The Most Heartbreaking Reason

Shelter Cat Stretches Her Paw Out To A Visitor For The Most Heartbreaking Reason

Shelter Cat Stretches Her Paw Out To A Visitor For The Most Heartbreaking ReasonShelter Cat Stretches Her Paw Out To A Visitor For The Most Heartbreaking Reason

Every shelter cat has one wish only – to find a loving family, a warm embrace, and a place to thrive and call home. 

While some shelter felines await their dream to unfold patiently, others embark on a unique journey of their own, taking things in their own paws.

That’s exactly what this gorgeous gray cat named Meow Meow did. But, here’s how it all started… 

The story begins with John Hwang, a compassionate soul who often visits Baldwin Park Animal Shelter in Los Angeles, California. His mission is to visit and take pictures of animals yearning for their forever homes.

On one such day, he arrived at the shelter to visit a sick dog. He wanted to take some pictures of the dog and help him find a home, but someone else caught his attention.

cats pawcats paw
Source: John Hwang

This lovely feline caught him by surprise after reaching her paw out toward him. He described the heartwarming moment:

“I felt this little something, like a little paw, kind of swiping my hair. I looked up, and I see this paw completely stretched out toward me. And she keeps on trying to touch me. She’s stretching her paw out as far as she could.”

Initially, Hwang was really confused, but soon he realized that Meow Meow wasn’t giving up on him so easily. It was as if she had chosen him as her guardian angel. 

black cat laying in the cageblack cat laying in the cage
Source: John Hwang

Witnessing her persistence, Hwang felt compelled to give Meow Meow her moment in the spotlight. Recognizing her readiness for a photoshoot, he couldn’t help but capture her charm:

“She’s just really friendly. She’d just lay there and look at me.”

Meow Meow’s spirit touched Hwang deeply, especially her endearing paw gestures. She yearned for love and affection and it was as though she knew Hwang could help her find a fur-ever home.

human and cat shaking handshuman and cat shaking hands
Source: John Hwang

This poor cat obviously knew what it was like to be loved, but was betrayed by her owner after he dropped her off at the shelter. At least, this heartwarming encounter reminded Meow Meow of the beauty and warmth of the human touch.

As much as Meow Meow had captured Hwang’s heart, he faced a poignant dilemma. His wife’s cat allergy prevented him from adopting this charming feline. With a heavy heart, he bid farewell to Meow Meow, leaving her at this California shelter.

sad cat in cagesad cat in cage
Source: John Hwang

However, he did his best while taking photos of her, hoping they’d help her find the home she truly deserved.

Hopefully, Meow Meow’s wish came true, and she got a brand-new life filled with love and security. 

Whoever welcomed this enchanting feline into their home likely discovered that once you embrace Meow Meow’s affection, she will never let go, becoming a cherished member of their family.

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