Stray Cat Wandered Into Station 57 Fire Department In New York And Now She Lives There Like A Boss

Stray Cat Wandered Into Station 57 Fire Department In New York And Now She Lives There Like A Boss

Stray Cat Wandered Into Station 57 Fire Department In New York And Now She Lives There Like A Boss

Stray Cat Wandered Into Station 57 Fire Department In New York And Now She Lives There Like A BossStray Cat Wandered Into Station 57 Fire Department In New York And Now She Lives There Like A Boss

One day, a surprise furry guest with no name wandered into Station 57 Fire Department in New York. The firefighters warmly welcomed this stray cat with tummy rubs and head pats.

The kitty enjoyed all the attention and decided to stay there, making the firehouse her forever home.

In return for all the love, care, and attention, she would catch rodents and gift them to her new humans as a sign of gratitude. 

Because of her remarkable hunting skills, the firefighters couldn’t think of a better name for her – Killer.

Killer was a stray cat before she found her way to the Fire Department. When she first arrived there, she was very shy and aloof.

But, after realizing that she was safe there and surrounded by kind-hearted people, she quickly relaxed and adjusted.

Killer enjoyed all the attention that she received, but her favorite time is brushing time. As soon as someone starts brushing her, she transforms into a very happy kitty.

Whenever she jumps on someone’s chair, it’s a sign that she wants a special spa treatment. And of course, she always gets what she wants.

Not only does she like brush time, but she also enjoys cuddle time, and when she asks for it, everyone delivers.

Killer spontaneously became a resident of this firehouse, and now she lives like a boss.

When she’s not cuddling, she takes her work seriously and makes sure that everyone’s doing their job.

However, when the firefighters are on their break, she makes sure to relax them with her purring massages.

Without this furry little feline, the station wouldn’t be the same. Killer just never fails to cheer up the whole station and make everyone’s day better.

I think that she couldn’t choose a better forever home for herself and that this station is lucky to have her.

Keep scrolling for more adorable pictures of this firehouse kitty from New York, and follow her on Instagram to keep up with her daily routine!








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