Cat Smuggled On A Cruise Ship And The Crew Was Instructed To Euthanize It But A Miracle Happened

Cat Smuggled On A Cruise Ship And The Crew Was Instructed To Euthanize It But A Miracle Happened

Cat Smuggled On A Cruise Ship And The Crew Was Instructed To Euthanize It But A Miracle Happened

Cat Smuggled On A Cruise Ship And The Crew Was Instructed To Euthanize It But A Miracle HappenedCat Smuggled On A Cruise Ship And The Crew Was Instructed To Euthanize It But A Miracle Happened

Cruise vacations typically don’t allow pets, plants, fruits, or other potential risks on board. Only emotional support animals are allowed, and this kitty didn’t fit that category.

A cat named Ovie was smuggled onto the international cruise ship, Ovation of the Seas, and her future looked grim. Since pets weren’t allowed, Ovie faced the threat of euthanasia.

The CEO of Ovation of the Seas, Michael Bayley, announced that there was an unauthorized “guest” aboard the cruise ship. As he posted on Facebook:

“Meet Ovie! The cat smuggled onboard Ovation of the Seas by a guest! We believe that it was in the guest’s sweatshirt and we assume he must have been sedated or something and he wouldn’t beep, since Ovie isn’t metal. When discovered the cat was not allowed off the ship.”

photo of cat and a manphoto of cat and a man
Credit: Facebook

Releasing the cat during the cruise wasn’t an option, especially on an international trip that had already been underway for nearly three weeks. 

Given the company’s strict policy allowing only emotional support animals or service dogs onboard, the staff was initially told to euthanize the cat. However, the compassionate cruise crew went above and beyond to protect the cat. 

After a long journey from Hawaii, Ovie got a very warm welcome at her new home in Miami. A crew member was more than happy to give this poor cat a loving home. Michael shared the good news:

“Our Guest service team stepped up to the plate and after several weeks and much back and forth safely brought Ovie halfway around the world to be adopted by one of the guest service team members in Miami. Ovie is now happily living in Miami.”

The cruise security team is baffled about how the cat slipped past them but are relieved they could save her and give her a new lease on life. 

smuggled catsmuggled cat
Credit: Facebook

Without the dedicated and compassionate cruise staff, Ovie’s fate could have been much different. And the owner? Completely unprepared for an extensive trip abroad, they subjected Ovie to unnecessary danger.

Many thanked the cruise crew on Michael’s post for rescuing Ovie, also expressing hope that the previous owner faced consequences for their reckless action. One of the comments read: 

“Great end to the story. Hopefully, the original owner is heavily penalized or banned for putting poor Ovie thru the ordeal.”

However, some people also commented that Ovie was not a stray and that the owner should take action to get her back. 

In response, Michael explained that the owner didn’t secure the needed documents or provisions for Ovie upon arrival. With no intention of returning to the US, they were left with two grim options: euthanize Ovie or secure a new home for her. He then added:

“The story has many details not shared for obvious reasons but I will say this was a very unusual tale.”

photo of cruise shipphoto of cruise ship
Credit: Facebook

In the end, everything turned out okay. Ovie endured a lot, but she’s now in a caring home where, with time, she’ll hopefully bounce back from the stressful journey she was put through. 

Or perhaps she was also in need of a little vacation?

All joking aside, if you’re thinking about traveling with your beloved pet, I can’t stress enough how important it is to follow all the rules and regulations.

We have to be aware of all precautions and measures concerning our pets. Ensuring you’re fully prepared means that when you set out on an adventure, nothing will get in your way.

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