Camera Captures The Heartwarming Moment Between A Cat And Her Owners Who Just Came Home

Camera Captures The Heartwarming Moment Between A Cat And Her Owners Who Just Came Home

Camera Captures The Heartwarming Moment Between A Cat And Her Owners Who Just Came Home

Camera Captures The Heartwarming Moment Between A Cat And Her Owners Who Just Came HomeCamera Captures The Heartwarming Moment Between A Cat And Her Owners Who Just Came Home

Ever wondered what your furry friend is up to when you’re not around? You’re not alone! That is why getting yourself a pet camera, just like this family did, might be a great idea!

Recently, a TikTok user, Shadow the House Panther shared a heartwarming video that gives us a sneak peek into how Shadow reacts when her human family comes home.

Trust us, it’s downright heartwarming – let’s dive right in!

This quick 27-second video, captured by a pet camera set up at Shadow’s house, beautifully captures the moment when Shadow hears her parents pulling up.

Initially, Shadow is perched on the window ledge, enjoying the view outside. But as soon as she sees her beloved owners arriving in their car, she springs into action and darts towards the door.

The camera tries to keep up, but Shadow’s enthusiasm is just too much to handle. No worries, though, because it’s crystal clear how ecstatic she is to welcome her humans back home.

Throughout the door’s buzzing, Shadow’s meowing excitedly, letting her feelings be known. The video text tells us, 

“Our pet camera caught our cat’s reaction to us arriving back home.” 

It even marks when they’re approaching the house, giving us the full scope of her adorable reaction. The video caption proudly declares:

“She gives the best greets.”

In the comments section, folks are sharing all the warm fuzzies that this video and charming Shadow have stirred up. One person exclaimed:

“Ugh, we don’t deserve cats!”

Someone else added:

“This is why I’m so confused when people say cats don’t care. If you’re good to them, yes they do.”

And many people commented how Shadow’s initial “mmmrrrp” upon spotting her owner’s car says it all!

According to Ohio State University, cats can indeed experience anxiety, especially if they’re indoor kitties who spend some time alone every day. 

They explain:

“Some single indoor-housed cats become anxious when left alone for long periods of time. These cats appear to be unusually sensitive to their surroundings and may be very attached to their owners.”

We hope Shadow enjoys lots of cuddles and love when her people are where they belong – at home.

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