Hilarious Cat Loves Doing “Trust Falls” With Her Owner Showing How Much She Trusts Him

Hilarious Cat Loves Doing “Trust Falls” With Her Owner Showing How Much She Trusts Him

Hilarious Cat Loves Doing “Trust Falls” With Her Owner Showing How Much She Trusts Him

Hilarious Cat Loves Doing “Trust Falls” With Her Owner Showing How Much She Trusts HimHilarious Cat Loves Doing “Trust Falls” With Her Owner Showing How Much She Trusts Him

Meet Didga, the incredible rescue kitten! You might already know her for her daring stunts like surfing and skateboarding.

Didga made a name for herself by setting a Guinness World Record for the most tricks performed by a cat in just one minute – an impressive 20 tricks!

But what’s truly remarkable is one of her simplest tricks, as you’ll see in the video below. Didga willingly does “trust falls” with just a gentle nudge! This totally defies a cat’s natural instinct.

Watch as Didga puts her complete trust in me, falling backward into their hands. Her proud owner writes: 

“A hundred percent against a cat’s instinct, Didga overcomes the strong urge to spin to point her feet in the direction of falling, (cats always land on their feet remember) Didga “trusts” me to catch her as she falls straight back into my hands.”

It’s pure trust! Didga does this all on her own, looking utterly relaxed. It’s a testament to the bond she shares with her human.

Keep up with Didga and her furry friends on Facebook for more adorable antics! For more heartwarming stories, feel free to visit our website.

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