This Black Shelter Cat Was Everything This Family From Utah Needed To Cope With Loss

This Black Shelter Cat Was Everything This Family From Utah Needed To Cope With Loss

This Black Shelter Cat Was Everything This Family From Utah Needed To Cope With Loss

This Black Shelter Cat Was Everything This Family From Utah Needed To Cope With LossThis Black Shelter Cat Was Everything This Family From Utah Needed To Cope With Loss

Cats can truly help humans and other animals heal. If you don’t believe it, here’s a touching story that might change your mind. 

Anne Rowley shares the story of her beloved cat, Bruce, who has been with her family through both good and bad times ever since she adopted him.

Bruce turned out to be a very special feline, which is why Anne decided to share his story. 

It all started when Anne and her husband came to Best Friends Lifesaving Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, looking for a feline friend. 

bruce the cat lying next to a babybruce the cat lying next to a baby
Credit: Anne Rowley

That’s where they met Bruce. Anne said:

“We sat down and immediately a black cat with one tuft of white hair on his chest plopped in my lap and began licking my hands. We knew we had found what we were looking for, but we didn’t yet know how much he would mean to us.”

It was clear that the black kitty had chosen them to be his forever family, while Anne and her husband couldn’t have been happier. 

They named him Bruce because in the first photos they took of him, his shadow resembled their favorite superhero Bruce Wayne, Batman.

Soon after adopting Bruce, the family realized he was a very special cat. Anne said:

“Bruce is unlike any cat I’ve ever known. He doesn’t always land on his feet, is aggressively affectionate, and loves to be loved. His meow is soft and short, never obnoxious. He doesn’t mind riding in the car. Because of this, I would often take him with me to visit my parents and brother. They fell in love.”

Later on, Anne’s daughter was born, and she was concerned about living in a small space with a baby and two cats. Luckily, her dad stepped in and offered to take care of Bruce until things settled down. 

the healer cat lying in bedthe healer cat lying in bed
Credit: Anne Rowley

It turned out to be a great idea because everyone was happy and had enough time and space for their needs. 

Her dad often sent Anne voice messages expressing how happy Bruce was and similar. Now, she’s happy she never deleted those voicemails.

The main reason for that is that three years after adopting Bruce, Anne’s dad was diagnosed with cancer, which took his life just two months later. 

While her dad was at home, Bruce would simply curl up next to him, and it was obvious he knew what was happening. Bruce never left her dad’s side and provided him with comfort during his last days.

When Anne’s dad passed away, her younger brother, Daniel, took Bruce in. He had a tender heart, but he also suffered from untreated bipolar disorder. That’s why everyone thought Daniel really needed Bruce.

Bruce’s companionship got him through depression many times. Unfortunately, Daniel’s condition worsened, and he decided to end his life. His family was devastated. But even though Bruce couldn’t save him, he played a significant role in Daniel’s life.

cat lying with a paw on a man's handcat lying with a paw on a man's hand
Credit: Anne Rowley

Daniel left a short note saying that Bruce had gotten him through some of his toughest times, and he expressed his wish that his love could live on through Bruce.

“Bruce’s unconditional love is a balm that I wish everyone could experience.”

After this tough period, Bruce continued his healing mission by moving in with Anne’s mother. She really needed healing, considering what she had been through. 

Fortunately, Bruce has given her purpose and joy after one of the most difficult periods in her life. Bruce is a true healer, and as Anne says:

“There is something unmistakably miraculous about our little black cat. He is the luckiest thing to have crossed our path.”

So, black cats don’t bring bad luck, and sometimes, when a black cat crosses your path, it can be the best thing that has ever happened to you, just as it was to Anne!

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