The Internet Is Melting Over This Fourth-Grader’s Heartfelt Letter to His Neighbor’s Dog

The Internet Is Melting Over This Fourth-Grader’s Heartfelt Letter to His Neighbor’s Dog

Children are some of the purest souls on earth, closely followed by our loyal canine companions. Their emotions are genuine, their behavior is without hidden motives, and their actions often amaze us.

A young boy named Troy recently showed us just how sweet and caring a child can be.

After noticing his neighbors had an adorable puppy, Troy felt he needed to reach out. Perhaps he wanted to shower the pup with cuddles and kisses. But the world wasn’t ideal for hanging out. This was during the pandemic, a time when social distancing was crucial to staying safe. Despite these challenges, Troy found a way to befriend the cute pup next door using a simple form of communication: a handwritten letter.

Image source: Instagram

Friends Through Ruff Times

The pandemic brought many challenges, but it also had a silver lining by bringing people closer together in unique ways. Feeling lonely because he couldn’t see his friends, Troy, a fourth-grader, noticed he wasn’t alone in his neighborhood. His next-door neighbors had a Golden Retriever puppy named Arthur, also known as Arthur the Floof.

Gathering his courage, Troy wrote a heartfelt letter to Arthur’s owners. The note read:

“Hello neighbors, my name is Troy, I’m in 4th grade and I’m just wondering if maybe after this virus you need a dog sitter and if so, I can take your dog on walks and more.”

Written in red and blue ink, Troy’s sweet message was impossible to resist. Arthur’s owners were touched by the well-mannered boy’s love for dogs, and they arranged a playdate for Troy and Arthur.

My New Fren, Troy

Image source: Arthur The Floof

Arthur, the small pup, was delighted to meet a new human friend. Despite the necessary social distancing measures, Troy and Arthur managed to have a wonderful playdate. A beautiful friendship was born.

“I made friends with a small human today. He’s basically my size. I bet I can get him to give me more treats than my humans,” said Arthur on his Instagram.

Though they had to maintain social distance, Arthur and Troy enjoyed their time together, proving that friendship knows no boundaries. While we don’t have photos of Troy and Arthur due to privacy concerns, their story quickly went viral thanks to Troy’s letter.

“My humans told me that me and my friend Troy broke the internet yesterday,” Arthur updated his followers on Instagram. The sweet letter melted hearts everywhere.

Arthur The Floof Today

Image source: Arthur The Floof

Much has changed since the pandemic. Arthur has grown into a gorgeous Golden Retriever, and his life is full of positive changes. His mom graduated, and they moved between Utah and Chicago, making Arthur a virtual world traveler and a superstar.

Arthur still fondly remembers his friendship with Troy. Although Troy is older now, Arthur loves reminding everyone about the little boy who understood him so well.

“For the last day before my birthday, I had to look back on the thing that brought me all of you! Thanks to my friend down the hall, I made so many internet friends this year. Just as an update, Troy and I hung out a lot before I moved to Utah! This will always be our favorite quarantine memory,” Arthur shared in a post.

Dogs like Arthur are unforgettable, and kids like Troy grow up to be amazing people. Their story, captured in photos and videos, will live on forever. For more heartwarming content, head over to Arthur the Floof on Instagram.

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