Tiny Pup Insists on Buying the Biggest Toy in the Pet Store

Tiny Pup Insists on Buying the Biggest Toy in the Pet Store

Mark Twain once said, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” If you’ve ever been owned by a tiny pup, you know exactly what he meant.

Little dogs, like Lucy, don’t realize their small stature—they just focus on what they want and how to get it. This video of Lucy is one you’ll want to share and watch again and again.

One afternoon, Lucy’s parents took her to her favorite pet store, a regular outing where she gets to pick out a toy. As Lucy walked down the toy aisle, her face lit up at the sight of a giant plush lamb.

Her mom tried to explain that it was too big for her, but Lucy was determined. She knew what she wanted and how to get it.

The tiny pup picked up the massive toy all by herself and carried it to the register. Her parents watched in awe—the toy was at least three times her size!


Lucy understood the process perfectly. She stood at the counter with her paws in the air, as if she were paying for her toy herself.


The toy was rung up, and Dad handed over the cash. He then placed the toy on the ground beside Lucy, and Mom told her to pick it up. Proud of her accomplishment, Lucy insisted on carrying it out to the car all on her own.


Though Lucy lost her grip on the toy a couple of times, she never gave up. With Mom’s encouragement, Lucy kept going. She carried her new lamb all the way to the car, while other shoppers stopped to watch the adorable scene.

Lucy is a superstar! Watch the video below to see her adorable mission unfold. And don’t forget to share this heartwarming story with your friends and family—it’s sure to brighten their day!



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