This Cat and Dog Love Going on Adventures Together (16 Photos)

This Cat and Dog Love Going on Adventures Together (16 Photos)

Henry wasn’t the first dog Cynthia Bennett planned to adopt. She initially had her eye on a golden retriever mix during an adoption event in 2014.

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However, Henry caught her attention by just sitting there, standing out with his size. “He was only 3 and a half months, but five times bigger than other puppies,” Bennett told The Dodo.

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Henry had long legs and a body resembling a wolf or husky. When Bennett approached him, he immediately curled up in her lap.

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“He just curled up into my lap and went belly up,” Bennett said. “From then, I decided he was coming home with us.”

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Bennett and her boyfriend are avid hikers and moved to Colorado for outdoor adventures. They were thrilled to find that Henry loved hiking with them.

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“I think we only had him for three days when we took him on our first hike,” Bennett said. Henry quickly climbed the tallest rock to look over the edge.

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“We call him our little mountain goat,” Bennett added. “He scares us to death with his love for high places.”

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Recently, Bennett and her boyfriend decided to adopt a kitten. “I wanted a rescue kitten,” Bennett said, seeking a cat to join their adventures.

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Bennett found Baloo, a Siamese mix, at a local shelter. Like Henry, Baloo immediately bonded with Bennett at their first meeting.

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“He ran right up to me,” Bennett said. “He played but wasn’t the most rowdy.” Baloo adored Henry and wanted to join him on hikes.

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“If I touch Henry’s leash, [Baloo] will start screaming at the door,” Bennett said. “He’s very vocal.”

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Seeing Baloo’s enthusiasm, Bennett began harness training him. Baloo quickly adapted and loved the outdoors.

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“He’s not the kind of cat we can leave home alone on the weekend,” Bennett noted. “I think he thinks he’s more a dog.”

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Bennett believes Baloo sees Henry as his mom. “I call them brothers, but Baloo thinks Henry’s his mom,” she said.

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Baloo is so attached to Henry that he enjoys sitting on Henry’s head. “He just flopped down and hugged Henry’s neck,” Bennett said.

Image source: Instagram

Baloo now joins every adventure Henry goes on. Bennett couldn’t be happier with how perfectly Baloo fits into their family.

Image source: Instagram

via The Dodo


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