Dog’s Hilarious Reaction To Visiting The Vet Earns 15 Million Views

Dog’s Hilarious Reaction To Visiting The Vet Earns 15 Million Views

Lulu, a witty Shiba Inu from New Zealand, has taken the internet by storm with her remarkable and comical acting abilities.

Her playful antics have brought smiles and laughter to millions worldwide. Unlike most dogs who might hide or whine when a vet visit is looming, Lulu takes a different approach—she pretends to be dead.

This hilarious and endearing moment was captured on video by her owner, Micki, and it’s no wonder the clip has racked up over 15 million views on YouTube.

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The viral video starts with Micki entering her bedroom to find Lulu lying perfectly still on the bed.

Despite Micki’s cheerful attempts to wake her up with phrases like “Morning, Lulu!” and “Are you gonna wake up?”, Lulu remains completely motionless, fully committed to her act.

Even Micki’s efforts to rouse her with tummy and head scratches don’t break Lulu’s resolve.

Her determination to avoid the vet is both impressive and utterly amusing.

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Micki, however, isn’t easily deceived.

She gently pulls the covers off Lulu and continues trying to elicit a response. But Lulu, determined to stick to her plan, doesn’t even twitch a paw.

It’s only when Micki mentions, “We’ve got to go to the vet soon,” that Lulu’s dedication to her lifeless act is truly put to the test.

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Even with the mention of the vet, Lulu maintains her charade, leaving Micki no choice but to try something more drastic.

“Boo!” she shouts a few times, but Lulu remains unfazed. The dog’s convincing performance might almost make you believe she’s really asleep—if not for her sly agenda.

But Micki knows her dog well and decides to exploit Lulu’s one weakness.

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“Oh, well. Dead puppies don’t get treats,” Micki finally says.

In an instant, Lulu’s eyes snap open, and she eagerly sits up, sniffing at the treat bag. Her ruse, although hilarious and expertly executed, is quickly abandoned in favor of a tasty reward.

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It’s a perfect example of the lengths some pets will go to avoid the dreaded vet visit.

Lulu’s antics strike a chord with many pet owners who understand just how much their furry companions dislike trips to the vet.

Whether it’s fear, anxiety, or simply a distaste for the unknown, pets often have strong reactions at the mere mention of the vet.

While Lulu’s method of playing dead might be more dramatic, it’s certainly not uncommon for animals to try and evade a vet visit by any means necessary.

The video’s widespread popularity is a testament to just how universally amusing and charming Lulu’s behavior is.

With over 15 million views, it’s clear that Lulu has brought joy to countless people around the globe. Her cleverness and her humorous way of expressing her dislike for the vet have struck a chord with viewers everywhere.

Image Source: Youtube

Moments like these define the bond between pets and their owners—where an ordinary task turns into an unforgettable and amusing experience.

It was quite the performance, don’t you think?

Whether it’s the lengths they’ll go to avoid the vet or the ingenious tricks they use to get what they want, pets like Lulu remind us of the joy and laughter they bring into our lives.

Check out the video below to watch Lulu hilariously use her acting skills to dodge a vet visit!


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