The breathtaking cabin in the clouds overlooking Washington mountain range that tourists can spend a night in (if they can climb 7,000ft to get to it)

If you’ve got a head for heights, this could be the perfect spot for you.

High above the clouds at a Washington mountain range stands a wooden hut offering spectacular panoramic views below.

The Three Fingers lookout hut, situated on top of the North Cascades mountain range, is the perfect place for adventurers looking to get memorable views – if they can get up there that is.

Craig Weiland (left) and Colin Ridgley watch sunset from Three Fingers Lookout, Boulder River Wilderness, Washington

The Three Fingers lookout hut, situated on top of the North Cascades mountain range, is the perfect place for adventurers and shutterbugs alike looking to enjoy memorable views

High above the clouds at a Washington mountain range stands an implausibly situated wooden hut offering spectacular panoramic views below

Situated right on a cliff edge, the hut is reached by a series of narrow wooden ladders making it a challenge for anybody without a head for heights.

But on the right day, climbers are able to gaze out across the rolling banks of cloud below.

The stunning photos were taken by Ethan Welty, 29, from Seattle, Washington, and his friends Craig Weiland and Colin Ridgley, and made the 6,900ft above sea level climb.

The hut is reached by a series of narrow wooden ladders making it a challenge for anybody without a head for heights

Craig Weiland climbs the final ladder to the Three Fingers Lookout, where all the effort finally proves worth it at the end

‘There are all kinds of things left by people that have visited the hut before – we even found a steam iron up there, ‘said Ethan. Pictured right Craig Weiland reads the guest register. Pictured left visitors must climb ladders to reach the hut

Ethan said: ‘The hut was destined to fall apart in the end, but so far by pitching in, it is possible to keep it around by helping keep it clean and preserve the trail up to the hut.’

Ethan said: ‘In all the time I have been climbing, I have never been so unwilling to leave a summit – it was so beautiful.

‘I cannot wait to make a pilgrimage back there and will pack enough food next time to stay for several nights.

‘It’s a place that will really inspire you and is one of the most dramatically and implausibly situated human structures I’ve ever been in, let alone slept in.

‘The hut was destined to fall apart in the end, but so far by pitching in, it is possible to keep it around by helping keep it clean and preserve the trail up to the hut.

‘There are all kinds of things left by people that have visited the hut before – we even found a steam iron up there.’

Mountain climbers have documented their stay in a wooden cabin on top of a mountain range

One of the climbers who took the spectacular photographs described the hut as ‘dramatically and implausibly situated human structures I’ve ever been in, let alone slept in’

Reluctant to leave: Craig Weiland  climbs down a steep snowfield above Queest-alb Glacier, Boulder River Wilderness

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