Floating Above the Atlantic: The Breathtaking Beauty of Sørvágsvatn Lake in the Faroe Islands

A breathtaking optical illusion makes this lake in the Faroe Islands look like it is levitating, defying gravity.

‘Wait, how is that possible?’ Indeed, you can’t believe your eyes when first seeing the majestic Sørvágsvatn Lake. Image credit: kallerna

Sørvágsvatn Lake, also known as Leitisvatn, is a stunningly beautiful lake located on Vágar, one of the 18 islands of the remote archipelago of the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean and the most westerly of the large islands. The Faroe Islands are known for their dramatic landscapes, rugged cliffs, and stunning fjords, and Sørvágsvatn Lake is one of the most breathtaking natural wonders in the region.

Beside being the Faroe Islands’ largest lake with an area of 3.4 km2 (1.3 sq mi), what makes Sørvágsvatn Lake so unique is its location, which earned it the nickname “Lake Above the Ocean”. It sits atop a cliff, about 40 m (130 ft) above sea level. This gives the lake a surreal appearance, as it looks as though it is floating in the air above the ocean. In reality, the lake is held in place by the rocky cliffs that surround it, but from a distance, it appears to defy gravity.

The rocky cliffs that surround it hold the lake in place, like a huge natural dam. Image credit: Christian Werther

Visitors to Sørvágsvatn can take in the stunning views from several vantage points. One popular spot is a cliff called Trælanípa, which provides the most spectacular viewpoint of the lake and the ocean cliffs.

The term Trælanípa in Faroese language translates to ‘slave cliff’ or ‘slave rock’. The naming of this location can be traced back to the Viking Age, when rebellious slaves were punished by being pushed off the towering 142m (466ft) cliff into the unforgiving waters below.

Sørvágsvatn lake above the ocean as seen from Trælanípa cliff, Vágar, Faroe Islands. Image credit: Ekrem Canli

One of the best ways to experience Sørvágsvatn is to hike along the cliff tops that surround it. The hike takes visitors past stunning vistas and offers a unique perspective on the lake and the surrounding landscape. It is challenging in places, but the views are well worth the effort.

Despite its remote location, Sørvágsvatn is becoming an increasingly popular destination for tourists. The Faroe Islands have gained a reputation as a natural paradise, and Sørvágsvatn is one of the jewels in the crown. Visitors to the Faroe Islands should make a point to include Sørvágsvatn on their itinerary, as it is an experience that is not to be missed.

Lake above the ocean. Image credit: Sebastian Boring

Indeed, its surreal and otherworldly appearance is sure to take your breath away.

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