A Man’s Incredible Rescue Effort for a Puppy Trapped in a Cage Drifting on an Icy Lake is Sure to Touch Your Heart. 2hi

When Bryant Fritz set out for a day of fishing in early November, little did he know that his most significant catch would have fur and four legs. Bryant, a middle school science teacher at Next Generation School in Champaign, Illinois, was preparing to enjoy a day by the lake when he stumbled upon a heart-wrenching sight: a black and white female puppy named Dory, trapped inside a dog crate, submerged in the rising waters of Kaufman Lake.

This extraordinary tale of bravery unfolded as Bryant spotted the helpless dog trapped in a crate partially submerged in the chilly lake waters. Only Dory’s head was visible above the freezing waterline. Being a lifelong dog lover, Bryant didn’t hesitate for a moment; he knew he had to save Dory. Without a second thought, he shed a few layers of clothing and waded into the frigid waters to rescue the stranded pup.

Bryant recalls the moment vividly: “It was around 3 pm when I saw the dog in the lake. Part of the crate was sticking out of the water, with the puppy’s head still above water, but the rest of her body was submerged. There was no question in my mind; I had to wade into the lake to save her.”

He continued, “Despite the cool and wintry conditions, I removed a couple of layers of sweaters and immediately waded into the water towards the crate. I estimate I waded about 15 to 20 yards into the lake before reaching the puppy. It was clear that she had been in the cold water for several hours. I pulled her out of the water and dragged the crate to the shore. But that’s when I noticed the extent of her injuries. There was blood everywhere; she had lost a significant amount of fur from her back, and her paws were in terrible shape. She was likely only 15 to 20 pounds, definitely a puppy, and she was shivering uncontrollably with her eyes shut. She was in agony.”

Without hesitation, Bryant called the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital to inform them that he was on his way with a dog in desperate need of treatment for hypothermia, visible wounds, and potentially more. During the journey, he stopped at his house to wrap the shivering puppy in a warm blanket to provide some comfort.

Chris Beuoy, a spokeswoman for the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, reported that the puppy responded positively to treatment for hypothermia.

The hospital’s staff diligently cleaned her wounds and administered antibiotics and pain medication. Beuoy added, “We weren’t sure if the dog would need additional care for her wounds, but she received more treatment for her injuries on Sunday.”

Now, as Champaign County Animal Control takes custody of Dory, Bryant hopes to be granted the opportunity to adopt her and provide her with a loving forever home. He explained, “As I filled out the paperwork when I brought her to the hospital, I realized that I wanted this dog to be a part of my life. My girlfriend Krystal and I decided that if all went well, we would name her Dory, after the Disney character voiced by Ellen DeGeneres in Finding Nemo. Just like Dory, ‘she didn’t quit in that water.’”

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