Incredible Bond: Abused Dog Finds Solace and Comfort in Heartwarming Friendship with a Baby

Everybody needs someone to love. Nora’s previous owners had abused the pup to the point where she’s now scared to death of every living being – except one toddler. “We got our girl Nora, an English Pointer, from a rescue shelter seven years ago prior to having kids,” her owner Elizabeth Bored Panda. “Despite having come from an abusive situation her sweet and gentle nature shone through and we knew with certainty she would be a wonderful family dog when the time came. She absolutely did not disappoint!”

Elizabeth’s family is definitely on the bigger side. She and her husband have 3 kids, 3 rescue cats, 3 rescue dogs. Aside from being in love with the number 3, Elizabeth adores the relationship between her son Archie and their pup Nora. “Archie is an extremely laid-back, happy, good-natured baby and all the animals seem to really respond to that, particularly Nora,” Spence told the Dodo. “She came from an abusive background and is afraid of almost everything. Not Archie, though. She absolutely adores him!”

The duo is inseparable. “If Archie is having a bath, Nora is lying on the bath mat waiting for him to get out. If I’m nursing him she wants up on my lap, too.” Luckily, she documents their incredible bond and shares it on Instagram where nearly 100,000 people are following the heartwarming friendship.

When Elizabeth Spence adopted Nora, the woman noticed she was not like their other pets


Previous owners abused Nora so much, they left her traumatized


The poor English Pointer was terrified of everyone


Until Elizabeth had her son, Archie


“Archie is an extremely laid-back, happy, good-natured baby and all the animals seem to really respond to that, particularly Nora”


“She came from an abusive background and is afraid of almost everything. Not Archie, though. She absolutely adores him”


The duo is absolutely inseparable




“If Archie is having a bath, Nora is lying on the bath mat waiting for him to get out”




“If I’m nursing him she wants up on my lap, too”


“If he’s going through my cupboards throwing all the dishes on the floor, she’ll be there cheering him on”


They even became the best sleeping buddies


“We taught the kids from a very young age to respect the dogs and to treat them well”


“The dogs trust and love the kids very much and are quite comfortable hanging out with them in any manner”



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