TN The heartbroken mother dog lingers by the roadside, anxiously awaiting her owners’ return, yearning for their presence.

Dog Rescue Shelter in Mladenovac, Serbia, received a call regarding a mama dog and two puppies who had been abandoned outside and were lying there on the side of the road for a few days.

The Good Samaritans tried to feed them, but the mama dog was highly protective of her puppies and wouldn’t allow anyone touch them.

When rescuers came, she was hiding in the grass by the road with her kids, attempting to protect them while waiting for her owners to come for her.

But sadly, they never would.

She was aware, thankfully, that the rescuers were come to help her, so she stayed pleasant and eager to take any food they served her.

They returned to the grass one final time after loading mama dog and her two puppies into their car to be sure no additional puppies remained.

They were shocked to discover another one in the grass just a few feet away from the mama. The puppies were only a few days old and had yet to open their eyes.

Fortunately, they were saved just in time, and the four of them were returned to their rescue.

Moli, the mama, has been a terrific mother to her puppies. She is glad and happy to be in excellent hands and to be sleeping in a warm bed rather than being stranded on the side of the road.

The small family will be cared for by the shelter until they are ready to be adopted.

Dog Rescue Shelter is a non-profit rescue organization that is one of the few and largest no-kill shelters in Serbia.

A social media account by the name of Binh An recently posted a video about an abandoned dog who regularly greets customers at the supermarket gate. The heartwarming tale soon gained popularity thanks to the amazing everyday photos that accompanied it. The dog greets each visitor with a welcoming wag of the tail, making the internet community cry with his affection and love.

In the clip circulating on social networks is a cute short-haired, brown and white poodle. The dog, who unwittingly took on the role of “employee” to welcome customers each day outside the supermarket door, was tied up for some reason I’m not sure of.

When he sees visitors entering or leaving, he instantly waves his tail in greeting, which is met with the love of the visitors. His expression is really cute and kind, albeit a little sad. Guests may linger for food and beverages, or curious onlookers may down them as a gesture of gratitude.

He passed everyone passing by a sad, regretful face as he passed to shake their hands, forcing them to stop, express their gratitude, and linger to play with the couple.

The dog was immobile and wagged his tail in the direction of the customer.

Because he is so lovely, people entering and leaving the gate pause to pet him.

For some reason, no one was aware of the unfortunate dog’s situation, but the owner still left it and tied the dog to a corner, making sympathy in onlookers as they waited for the owner to come back to work. The online community seems to want to “melt” due to the dog’s comfort and affection.

Dogs are among the world’s most devoted creatures, and they teach us responsibility, care, and worry. Being a foster pet is just one aspect of it.

Those who love cats and dogs know that they make the best comforters during sad times. It’s commendable that customers at the supermarket stopped to talk to the dog and express their emotions.

Even if it is only a brief period, the dog will undoubtedly perceive peoples’ complex emotions. For us, the world is out there, but for dogs, we are it. Pets communicate with us through touch, making us feel active love and affection.

The days spent at a shelter are sometimes neglected in favor of the long and painful ones of a puppy. These are essential tasks that pale in comparison to love and caring. Not to mention the awful destiny that awaits them if they are not adopted into a family.

This is a problem that occurs far too frequently in high-kill operations. So, what happens when an undesirable shelter dog gets adopted into a family and discovers that its life is about to be turned upside down?

Much has been said about the impact of adoption, but witnessing it for oneself goes beyond words. This is the case with Benny, a lovely and quiet shelter dog that was adopted from Gardena, California’s high-kill Carson Animal Care Center. Benny was basically on death row when he was ultimately adopted. So, how did he respond?

Benny seemed to be bursting at the seams with excitement at first. He’s trying to keep it together as he glances around, sitting as still as he can while waiting to see whether this is his family. But you can tell he’s terrified on the inside. “Are they mine, am I theirs, is this it?” I see the conversation going something like this.

He’s really trying hard to keep it together. I was practically in tears just seeing his excitement. Then it happens: the red leash of happily ever after is offered, and Benny explodes with joy as he meets his new family! As he is led to their car by his new family, an instant bond is formed.

Visit your local animal shelter to learn more about adopting a pet like Benny or to find out other ways you can assist. Many animals require permanent homes!

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