Dog Too Sick To Sit Is Given A Final Ride Around Town, Makes A Miraculous Recovery

Maverick was skin and bones when Joey Maxwell and his wife first encountered him at a death shelter. Mav joined their family after they adopted him, and they had a joyful six years together.

Therefore, when the dog was given a lymphoma diagnosis a few years ago, Maxwell did everything in his power to aid his four-legged companion in fighting the disease. The first round of chemotherapy was a success. But two months ago, the sickness came again, leaving him unable to move.

So the dog’s owner made the decision to ride the dog in a wagon. Making Mav’s final days as enjoyable as possible at first turned out to have a significant negative influence on the dog’s health.

Maxwell told CBS News that when they take the dog out, “he howls at everyone that walks by until they pet him because he thinks the whole world is there to love on him.”

And he could be correct. It’s amazing how much love and support Maxwell and his dog receive. For instance, after sharing his tale, Maxwell was given a 50% discount on a wagon, and both he and the Lowe’s cashier broke down in tears. Now that Maverick is known in Maxwell’s small town, people approach him to express their affection.

Mav adores those rides to the hilt. Perhaps as a result, the dog is gaining strength every day.

“We’re in a good position because we understand how much Mav means to so many other people right now, and we understand that he has experienced every bit of that in return,” says the speaker.

Maverick is sensing the positive energy; he can now sit up by himself and is gaining strength every day.

Dog Too Sick To Sit Is Given A Final Ride Around Town, Makes A Miraculous Recovery

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