Girlfriend Presents Partner with a Choice: It’s Either the Dog or Her

Girlfriend Presents Partner with a Choice: It’s Either the Dog or Her

Dogs, often hailed as the most loyal companions, have a unique way of forming deep bonds with their owners.

Their unwavering love, enthusiastic greetings, and playful nature make them more than just pets; for many, they’re family.

So, when a man was faced with a heart-wrenching ultimatum concerning his beloved dog, the situation took an unexpected turn.

The dilemma began when his girlfriend made a clear demand: for them to live together, the dog had to go.

Torn between love and loyalty, the man came up with a rather ingenious solution, turning to Craigslist to voice his predicament.

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“My girlfriend does not like my beagle Molly. So I have to rehome her. She is purebred from a wealthy area and I have had her for 4-years.

She likes to play games. Not trained. Has long hair so she’s a little high maintenance, especially the nails, but she loves having them done.

Stays up all night yapping but sleeps while I work. Only eats the best, most expensive food.

Will NEVER greet you at the door after a long day or give you unconditional love when you’re down. Does not bite but she can be mean as hell!”

“So… anyone interested in my 30-year-old, selfish, wicked, gold-digging girlfriend? Come and get her! My dog and I want her re-homed ASAP!”


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The unexpected twist in the tale left many amused and in awe. It’s a testament to the age-old saying: never come between a man and his dog. Their bond is sacred and unbreakable.

What’s your take on this clever response? Share your thoughts and this delightful story with friends and family!

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