With the assistance of her Great Dane, a young girl was able to take her first steps in nine years.
Morquio Syndrome, a rare genetic condition that inhibits bone growth and restricts movement, was present at birth in Woburn, Massachusetts, resident Bella Burton, 11, who is now 11 years old. It was also challenging for her to walk without using crutches or a wheelchair even after more than ten surgery and innumerable physical therapies.
But with the help of her beloved 130-pound Great Dane service dog, George, the young girl is now able to stand up for herself.
SDP has given almost 100 Great Danes as service animals to people with severe balance and mobility issues. The dogs have improved their owners’ quality of life while providing a valuable service.
Children, veterans of the military, people with multiple sclerosis, people with Friedreich’s ataxia, and others have all been assigned service dogs. Each dog undergoes significant balancing training, but once a dog is paired with an applicant, the dog is trained specifically to meet their needs.
In Bella’s case, George has improved Bella’s mobility and spirits more than any other therapy she’s received since they first met a year ago.
the uncommon inherited condition that causes dwarfism, poor bone development, and organ damage.
Bella told WCVB, “I had wheelchairs, walkers, Canadian crutches, standard crutches, and then we got George and I gave up my crutches and started using him.”
When walking through the halls of her school and up and down the stairs, the girl can lean on the Great Dane.
He is aware of what to do, she retorted. He is aware of all my classes’ locations. He’ll take a snooze while she’s in class.
I use him as a crutch, she admitted to Fox News. He aids me in walking. I tell him to “Brace!” if I fall so that he will stand and not even move till I can get myself up, Bella said.
Bella is assisted by George as she engages in outdoor and gym play with her friends. He makes sure she is always safe by sleeping near to her at night.
Their tale has captured people’s attention all across the world, and many have been following the couple’s development online via their Facebook page.
The American Kennel Club will present George with an Award for Canine Excellence during an event in December.
One of five canines honored for “substantially influencing the lives of their owners and people in their communities” is the Great Dane.
In addition to being Bella’s support system, George has also grown to be her closest buddy