Every Day, a Dog Shows Up at School, So a Teacher Steps In to Help.

Every Day, a Dog Shows Up at School, So a Teacher Steps In to Help.

Dogs, especially those lost or abandoned, often display an innate trust in humans, seeking help in their own silent ways. Rather than approaching directly, many patiently wait, hoping for a kind soul to notice them.

This tale unfolds in Houston, Texas, where a lone dog made a school’s entrance his daily haunt.

Each morning, as Caleb Schaffer, an elementary school teacher, arrived at work, he was greeted by the same furry face, he said in an interview to The Dodo.

The dog’s wagging tail and hopeful eyes spoke volumes, even if words couldn’t.

Image source: Caleb Schaffer via The Dodo

Initially, amidst the morning rush, Schaffer could only offer a glance. But the dog’s persistent presence and deteriorating health weighed on his conscience.

After a couple of days of this silent interaction, Schaffer took decisive action. On the third day, he welcomed the dog, now affectionately named Clive, into his car and later to his home.

Image source: Caleb Schaffer via The Dodo

Recognizing the need for professional care, Schaffer reached out to rescue organizations. Despite many being at capacity, he remained undeterred.

Clive was eventually taken to a local animal shelter for essential medical attention. His heartwarming story, shared on Facebook, resonated with many and soon caught the attention of Lucky Lab Rescue and Adoption.

They swiftly arranged foster care for Clive.

Image source: Caleb Schaffer via The Dodo

Today, Schaffer recounts this touching episode to his students, emphasizing the importance of compassion, the plight of strays, and the significance of community involvement.

Through Clive’s story, he hopes to inspire a new generation to act with kindness and responsibility.


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