15 + Moms Who Went From Saying ‘No Pets’ to ‘Can’t Live Without Them’

15 + Moms Who Went From Saying ‘No Pets’ to ‘Can’t Live Without Them’

Pets are a blessing for many people. However, some people might hesitate to have a furry friend at home due to past experiences or health issues. But when a little cute pet enters the life of someone previously indifferent, everything changes. At first, they might be a little hesitant, but now, they would do anything for their family members.

We bring you an article that features 17 moms who were initially against having a dog or a cat in their homes. But now, they would do anything for these amazing creatures.

A mother’s exasperated question, “Why do you want another dog?!” 

© Hlpme85 / Reddit

 “While I was on vacation, my mom was hesitant to take care of my dogs but I didn’t want anyone else to do it. Afterward, she sent me this pic.”© JessHas4Dogs / Reddit

“Lucys’ grandma: ‘No more pets’, until he came home”

© Blastedm**on / Reddit

  1. “When she was little, my mom was bitten by a dog and she hated them, but now she treats our dog as if he were her own son.”© cianedmond / Reddit
  2. “My mother-in-law thinks my dog is depressed, so she fondles his paw. But he actually goes to doggy daycare, has three beds, and goes to the park almost every day.”© nrjjsdpn / Reddit
  3. “Grandma: ’Dogs are dirty and should only be raised outside!’ Also her: ’Do you want to come in? Let me wash your paws so you can enter.’”© LeRat0nLaveur / Reddit
  4. “My mom used to question why I wanted another dog, but now she asks if I’ll bring him when I visit.”© ethnicninja / Reddit
  5. “While growing up, I always knew my mom was someone who yelled at pets, but now she’s the first one to get worried if our cat isn’t feeling well.”© wprincesscory / Reddit
  6. “Mom said the new puppy wouldn’t be hers to take care of, but now he’s her baby and hes to sit on her lap every time they ride in the car.”© abbythesta**y / Reddit
  7. My mother was worried about Lulu’s mixed breed, including pit bull, but now she refers to herself as Lulu’s “best grandmother”. Lulu is very spoiled.”© stalefuzzball85 / Reddit
  8. “She didn’t allow pets inside or on furniture, but now she cares more for him than me.”© voldemortsenemy / Reddit
  9. “Alright, but he can’t climb onto the couch.”© magiclumpia / Reddit
  10. “When I used to live with my mom, she was very strict about not having pets. Now when I visit her with my dog, they cuddle up all the time.”© maneric37 / Reddit
  11. “My mom keeping warm the dog after she told me she wouldn’t take care of him”© FanaticRex99263 / Reddit
  12. “He isn’t allowed to sit on the couch!” © Juleszey / Reddit
  13. “My mom with her unwanted cat”© knoxx9 / Reddit
  14. She claimed to be “extremely allergic” to cats until Cleo came into our lives.© TheLonelySmokeAlarm / Reddit

Have you experienced a similar change of heart about pets? What’s your story?


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