An Injured Cat With Broken Front Paws Withers On The Street, Waiting For A Kind Soul To Save Her

An Injured Cat With Broken Front Paws Withers On The Street, Waiting For A Kind Soul To Save Her

An Injured Cat With Broken Front Paws Withers On The Street, Waiting For A Kind Soul To Save Her

An Injured Cat With Broken Front Paws Withers On The Street, Waiting For A Kind Soul To Save HerAn Injured Cat With Broken Front Paws Withers On The Street, Waiting For A Kind Soul To Save Her

Recently, a kind man stumbled upon an injured white cat in an abandoned tin house. The cat was in terrible condition; she was malnourished and almost entirely hairless, and it seemed both of her front paws were broken

She wailed in agony, her cries sounding like pleas for help.

Devastated by the condition he found the poor feline in, the man knew he had to act. First, he gave her something to eat, then rushed her to the vet for a thorough checkup.

injured catinjured cat
Credit: YouTube

The cat remained calm during the vet’s examination, almost as if she knew she was finally in safe hands with someone who meant her no harm.

The vet’s diagnosis was soon shared: The cat was an adult stray cat, with no home of her own. Fortunately, she wasn’t suffering from feline distemper, a common ailment among unvaccinated stray cats, nor did she have any other infectious diseases.

Other than minor kidney issues, her CT scan showed fractures in both of her front paws, confirming the man’s initial assumption. 

Given her condition, the veterinarian decided surgery was necessary for her paws. As a result, the cat was ordered to stay at the vet clinic for strict rest over the next month or so.

cat with broken pawscat with broken paws
Credit: YouTube

The vet decided against performing operations on both paws on the same day. So, a few days after her arrival at the clinic, the staff prepared the cat for her first round of surgery. 

The vet reported that the surgery went smoothly. When the cat woke up from the anesthesia, she cried out in pain, but fortunately, the kind man who found her was there the entire time to comfort her.

cat wearing a conecat wearing a cone
Credit: YouTube

The day after her surgery, the resilient cat made a surprising, but strong comeback. Her appetite returned, and she started eating normally again.

Impressed by her progress and recovery, the vet scheduled the second surgery for her other paw just a few days later. This operation was more complex, involving ligament repair and the insertion of a metal plate. 

Nevertheless, it was a success!

For the first time in what seemed like forever, she could place both front paws on the ground. 

The days of walking on her knees were behind her!

injured cat walkinginjured cat walking
Credit: YouTube

After spending an entire month at the vet clinic, the time to be discharged and sent home finally came. 

By then, the man already decided to adopt the fluff with whom he formed such a strong bond. 

He named her Bymax, signed all the necessary paperwork, and brought her to her new forever home.

cat looking at cat in a kennelcat looking at cat in a kennel
Credit: YouTube

The man already had several feline companions, so Bymax spent the first day getting to know everyone – from the safe distance of her pet carrier. 

She clearly needed some time to adjust to her new family and life. Thankfully, the man and his other pets were more than willing to give her the time she needed and to proceed at her own pace.

Their patience and love paid off as Bymax quickly flourished in her new home.

A Month Later…

cat sitting on tilecat sitting on tile
Credit: YouTube

It took Baymax only one month to fully get used to her new surroundings. In that period, she completely transformed! 

She was no longer a timid, malnourished stray kitty afraid of everything and everyone, but a content and adventurous cat, ready to embrace life.

The man took her to the vet for a checkup, who was thrilled with her progress, confirming that Baymax was on the brink of full recovery and would only continue to improve.

Even her stunning white fur had almost fully regrown, making her look like an entirely different cat!

photo of two cats in the yardphoto of two cats in the yard
Credit: YouTube

Baymax proved herself to be an extremely affectionate and loving kitty, who relished in cuddles and playful interactions with the other cats.

She had a particular fondness for outdoor play, probably because she spent so long as a stray cat. Thankfully, her new home’s yard was securely fenced, preventing any escapes into the unknown.

Not that she showed any interest in leaving! Her forever human saved her at a time when so many others turned their heads away from her. She would always be grateful to him, showing her appreciation with lots of kisses.

white cat outdoorswhite cat outdoors
Credit: YouTube

Thanks to this good man, Baymax has been transformed for the better. After enduring so much hardship, she’s now a joyful, healthy, loving, and playful cat.

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