Elderly Man Was Forced To Surrender His Senior Cat To The Manhattan Shelter For A Sad Reason

Elderly Man Was Forced To Surrender His Senior Cat To The Manhattan Shelter For A Sad Reason

Elderly Man Was Forced To Surrender His Senior Cat To The Manhattan Shelter For A Sad Reason

Elderly Man Was Forced To Surrender His Senior Cat To The Manhattan Shelter For A Sad ReasonElderly Man Was Forced To Surrender His Senior Cat To The Manhattan Shelter For A Sad Reason

Senior cats are often abandoned at shelters; however, this 14-year-old ginger kitty didn’t end up there intentionally.

This ginger kitty, named Pumpkin, lived with his elderly owner for a long time. Unfortunately, his own suffered from various medical issues and had no choice but to surrender Pumpkin to the Manhattan shelter for better care.

Sadly, Pumpkin was in a seriously bad condition. His fur was matted, and he had many health issues such as upper respiratory infection, ear infection, dental disease, ear mites, and more. A rescuer named Evelyne added:

“He’s a little bit matted, a little bit thin, but he’s certainly not short in love to give to people. He’s so happy to have company, such a nice character…”

The cat’s bad condition wasn’t intentional at all. His owner couldn’t properly care for him due to his own issues and was forced to give up his cat and receive the necessary help. Timber’s Legacy explained: 

“Pumpkin’s elderly owner was taken into care and had to surrender him. It appears that his owner was unable to properly care for him, as he had medical issues of their own. The neglect was not intentional.”

Thanks to the Manhattan shelter and Timber’s Legacy, Pumpkin escaped euthanasia and was given a second chance at life to spend his golden years in the best way possible.

However, what warmed everyone’s heart was how loving Pumpkin was despite the horrible condition he was in. Timber’s Legacy said:

“He deserves to be in a loving home for whatever time he has left.”

Pumpkin was provided with medications and other necessary treatments to help him get back in shape. During his treatments, he was constantly purring and showering everyone with love as though he knew they were helping him. 

After treating him, the vet kept Pumpkin in quarantine until he could be safely released. 

Once Pumpkin completely recovered both inside and outside, he was provided with palliative care, a ‘fospice’ home where he could peacefully spend his golden years. 

Everything turned out better than expected for this ginger furball, and his foster parents are smitten by his loving and charming personality. They said:

“What a sweet cat, one who likely is looking at fospice care to make his days comfortable and filled with love. Who knows, with proper care, nutrition, and hydration, his condition could show some improvement. It was probably very difficult for an ill elderly to take care of a pet. Pumpkin would love to still enjoy the warmth of a home. He still has so much love to give.”

Pumpkin quickly adjusted to his foster home and instantly loved everyone around him. His condition continues to improve, and thanks to the rescue and kind-hearted donors, his foster family doesn’t have to worry about his vet costs.

Pumpkin embraced this second chance in life and looks forward to spending his remaining years just the way he deserves.


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